
NameElementAttackLevelIntWisManaDurationLine of SightReq. Spell
Fire dartfireYes221151Instanttrue-
LightfireNo218151010 minutesfalse-
Heal lightlightNo315192Instanttrue-
Stone shardearthYes417202Instanttrue-
Cure poisonwaterNo526172Instanttrue-
PoisonwaterNo73018220.1 secondstrue-
ProtectionearthNo8202593 minutestrue-
Ice shardwaterYes934193Instanttrue-
Flaming arrowfireYes1044153InstanttrueFire dart
Lesser draindarkYes1250153Instanttrue-
Heal seriouslightNo1316344InstanttrueHeal light
Lightning boltairYes1530304InstanttrueDust devil
Poison arrowwaterYes17512350.501 secondstruePoison
ShatterearthYes1826375InstanttrueStone shard
Turn undeadlightYes1916435Instanttrue-
FreezewaterYes2057245InstanttrueIce shard
CursedarkNo207416530 secondstrue-
Word of recallairNo213636100Instantfalse-
BarrierwaterNo215924102 minutestrue-
Fire boltfireYes2280166InstanttrueFlaming arrow
Earthen strengthearthNo232943305 minutestrue-
Drain lifedarkYes2383166InstanttrueLesser drain
Minor combat sensenoneNo24553161 minutetrue-
Ice boltwaterYes2568266InstanttrueIce shard
Call lightningairYes2642417InstanttrueLightning bolt
FireballfireYes2794167InstanttrueFire bolt
Heal criticallightNo2717557InstanttrueHeal serious
Clear thoughtwaterNo287428213 minutesfalse-
Mana shieldwaterNo297628142 minutestrueProtection
Chain lightningairYes30464570.1 secondstrueCall lightning
Mana burstnoneYes3263398Instanttrue-
PlaguedarkNo3311216405 minutestrue-
Detect hiddenfireNo35118169010 minutestrue-
Stone skinearthNo373759455 minutesfalseProtection
TranquilitylightNo381771455 minutesfalseHeal critical
Flame wavefireYes401331610InstantfalseFireball
Vortex of airairYes40565510InstanttrueChain lightning
Greater draindarkYes411361610InstanttrueDrain life
Resist firewaterNo4310534101 minutetrueMana shield
NimblenessairNo446059111 minutetrue-
Ice ballwaterYes451103511InstanttrueIce bolt
Resist icefireNo4615016111 minutetrueMana shield
Fire shieldfireNo4815616222 minutestrueFlame wave
Electric shieldairNo496564242 minutestrueChain lightning
Detect invisiblefireNo5016216605 minutestrue-
SanctuarylightNo5218911201 minutefalseMana shield
Rain of firefireYes531711712InstanttrueFlame wave
Mana surgenoneNo5417417393 minutestrue-
GlacierwaterYes551304013InstanttrueIce ball
HealinglightNo55189613InstanttrueHeal critical
InvisibilityairNo587472705 minutestrue-
BlesslightNo591910214030 minutestrue-
FlarefireYes601911714InstanttrueRain of fire
Mass healinglightNo631910815InstanttrueHealing
Ice stormwaterYes651524415InstanttrueGlacier
Major combat sensenoneNo66114641530 secondstrueMinor combat sense
Soul stealdarkYes682151716InstanttrueGreater drain
True sightearthNo695698805 minutestrue-
Sunken Woods gatewayairNo708684max9 secondsfalse-
Windhowl gatewayairNo708684max9 secondsfalse-
Druids Point gatewayairNo708684max9 secondsfalse-
Silversky gatewayairNo708684max9 secondsfalse-
Wizards Vale gatewayairNo708684max9 secondsfalse-
Stonecrest gatewayairNo708684max9 secondsfalse-
BlizzardwaterYes741704817InstanttrueIce storm
Healing mistlightNo752012517InstanttrueMass healing
TornadoairYes79969318InstanttrueVortex of air
Ice shieldwaterNo84191531005 minutesfalse-
Druids Point portalnoneNo92109106maxInstanttrueDruids Point gateway
Silversky portalnoneNo92109106maxInstanttrueSilversky gateway
Stonecrest portalnoneNo92109106maxInstanttrueStonecrest gateway
Sunken Woods portalnoneNo92109106maxInstanttrueSunken Woods gateway
Windhowl portalnoneNo92109106maxInstanttrueWindhowl gateway
Wizards Vale portalnoneNo92109106maxInstanttrueWizards Vale gateway


Amulet of Regeneration000000-001No-
Amulet of Rejuvenation000000-001No-
Amulet of Renewal000000-001No-
Amulet of dodging00019210-01495NoDodge: 10
Amulet of intelligence00015280-01547NoIntelligence: 5
Amulet of light00028270-11736NoRadiance: 100
Amulet of precision00026270-01813NoAgility: 5
Attack: 10
Archery: 10
Bloodstone necklace00021440-211.98KNoIntelligence: 10
Crude orcish necklace00036290-221.98KNoAttack: 25
Archery: 25
Diamond necklace00029290-11991NoWisdom: 5
Intelligence: 5
Ethereal amulet00055750-0117.5KNoDodge: 100
Collar of submission000000-100No-
Amulet of Replenishment000000-001No-
Jarkos amulet00015280-01437NoIntelligence: 5
Jafos heart0100110950-1020NoStrength: 10
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 10
Agility: 10
Endurance: 10
Symbol of hope00068250-012.42KNoLight Power: 25
Talisman of protection from evil00053400-122.42KNoDark Resist: 25
Athenas necklace00034260-817.92KNo-
Heros amulet8035634040500-1010NoAttack: +50%
Archery: 50
Parry: 10
Wolftooth necklace000000-220NoDodge: 25
Attack: 25
Strength: 5
Archery: 25


Cloth vest000000-030No-
Leather armor0250000-1.458202No-
Goblin leather armor025018170-2.458364No-
Studded leather armor0450000-2.891.51KNo-
Ringmail armor0600000-4.15123.35KNo-
Elven leather armor0750000-5.585.91KNo-
Chainmail armor0800000-5.95126.93KNo-
Blessed chainmail armor080053400-5.95129.33KNoDark Resist: 25
Scalemail armor01000000-8.65911.8KNo-
Elven chainmail armor01100000-101014.73KNoAir Resist: 2
Dark Resist: 2
Earth Resist: 2
Fire Resist: 2
Water Resist: 2
Platemail armor01250000-12.251519.72KNo-
Mithril chainmail armor01500000-16.751029.66KNoAir Resist: 3
Dark Resist: 3
Earth Resist: 3
Fire Resist: 3
Water Resist: 3
Dwarven platemail armor01600000-191534.21KNoAir Resist: 4
Dark Resist: 4
Earth Resist: 4
Fire Resist: 4
Water Resist: 4
Dragonscale armor01800000-23.051089.69KNoAir Resist: 5
Dark Resist: 5
Earth Resist: 5
Fire Resist: 10
Water Resist: 5
Adamantite platemail armor02300000-35.651475.09KNo-
Ancient platemail armor03000000-57.2580NoAir Resist: 10
Dark Resist: 10
Earth Resist: 10
Fire Resist: 10
Water Resist: 10
Azure plate armor0100050500-16.7500NoStrength: 10
Agility: 10
Endurance: 10
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 10
Ancient celestial plate301003030300-1250No-
Straight jacket +10450000-2.891.51KNoMeditate: 5
Strength: 5
Dodge: -25
Attack: -25
Pains plate000000-5000NoStrength: 10
Endurance: 10
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 10
Agility: 10


Shimmering white robe012035200-25449NoStrength: 5
Wisdom: 5
Flowing black robe012015400-25449NoIntelligence: 10
Elven silversilk robe016073200-651.63KNoStrength: 5
Wisdom: 10
Dark Resist: 10
Woodland robe012028280-25449NoIntelligence: 5
Wisdom: 5
Shamans mantle018068500-855.33KNoStrength: 10
Wisdom: 15
Intelligence: 10
Cloak of the Archer2507040300-10737.67KNoArchery: 50
Dodge: 25
Rune-etched robe of protection016050430-1155.33KNoStrength: 5
Intelligence: 5
Wisdom: 5
Drachenrobe025073980-1550NoAir Power: 10
Dark Power: 10
Earth: 10
Fire Power: 10
Water Power: 10
Light Power: 10
Cloak of renewal02501121060-1550NoStrength: 10
Intelligence: 25
Wisdom: 25
Robes of sorcery030040400-25500NoIntelligence: 1
Cloak of deceit016015780-651.63KNoIntelligence: 15
Dark Power: 10
Drachenplate0185043430-16.7550NoAir Resist: 10
Dark Resist: 10
Earth Resist: 10
Fire Resist: 10
Water Resist: 10
Garb of the dead0210151280-1158.75KNoIntelligence: 20
Dark Power: 25
Robe of the purified souls0180103150-853.25KNoWisdom: 10
Dark Resist: 25
Conjurers mantle0200201100-1055.89KNoIntelligence: 20
Fire Power: 10
Water Power: 10
Cloak of the skull0300501000-3020No-
Natures garb0200115150-1058.75KNoWisdom: 40
Raincloak0200201000-1040NoWater Power: 0 +1 for each Raindrop up to 25
Water Resist: 0 +1 for each Raindrop up to 25
Mantle of death0250152010-1550NoIntelligence: 40
Dark Power: 20
Robe of hell0280851230-185666NoIntelligence: 25
Fire Resist: 25
Dark Resist: 25
Water Resist: -15
Earth: -15
Light Power: -15
Robe of heaven0280135730-1850NoWisdom: 25
Fire Resist: 10
Water Resist: 10
Air Resist: 10
Earth Resist: 10
Dark Resist: 10
Cloak of Armageddon0370701750-2050NoIntelligence: 50
Cloak of damnation0310152770-2150NoIntelligence: 75
Fire Power: 10
Robe of the Arch Magi0270151900-1750NoIntelligence: 50
Fire Power: 20
High clerists robes0250155250-1550NoEndurance: 10
Wisdom: 10
Light Power: 20
Cloak of the midnight mists0350152650-2550NoIntelligence: 50
Dark Power: 50
Mantle of infinite blessings0300218350-2050NoWisdom: 25
Air Resist: 5
Dark Resist: 5
Earth Resist: 5
Fire Resist: 5
Water Resist: 5
Light Power: 30
Mantle of the elements0250531280-15528.7KNoIntelligence: 20
Fire Power: 20
Water Power: 20
Air Power: 20
Earth: 20
Cloak of the Ages04501462340-3550NoFire Power: 35
Water Power: 35
Air Power: 35
Earth: 35


Leather belt0250000-0.3270No-
Studded leather belt0450000-0.63362No-
Ringmail girdle0600000-0.94769No-
Elven leather belt0750000-1.221.34KNo-
Chainmail girdle0800000-1.341.56KNo-
Scalemail protector01000000-1.932.65KNo-
Elven chainmail girdle01100000-2.243.3KNo-
Plate protector01250000-2.764.41KNo-
Mithril chainmail girdle01500000-3.746.62KNo-
Dwarven platel protector01600000-4.267.63KNo-
Dragonscale protector01800000-5.149.86KNo-
Adamantite plate protector02300000-7.9616.71KNo-
Ancient plate protector03000000-12.7229.33KNo-
Azure plate protector0100050500-3.700NoStrength: 8
Agility: 8
Endurance: 8
Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 8
Gleaming bluestone protector1501250000-2.730No-
Belt of Unstable Protection000000-001No-
Monks white sash020036190-221.79KNoStrength: 5
Light Power: 5
Buckle of lockpicks025030300-12140No-
Belt of skraug strength0100025200-220NoStrength: 10
Cord of treachery004016170-239.75KNoRob: 5
Sneak: 5
Hide: 5
Chastity belt000000-130No-
Girdle of Insight00060600-501NoIntelligence: 25
Wisdom: 25
Girdle of courage00028260-13375NoStrength: 5
Agility: 3
Girdle of protection025021190-2.33472No-
Girdle of strength045030250-0.63926NoStrength: 10
Leather belt of survival0250000-12140No-
Scarab protector0100040530-1.934.73KNoAir Resist: 5
Water Resist: 5
Fire Resist: 5
Dark Resist: 5
Earth Resist: 5


Leather boots0250000-0.41382No-
Studded leather boots0450000-0.814457No-
Ringmail boots0600000-1.226983No-
Elven leather boots0750000-1.6231.72KNo-
Chainmail boots0800000-1.7662.01KNo-
Scalemail boots01000000-2.5743.41KNo-
Elven chainmail boots01100000-2.9754.25KNoAir Resist: 2
Dark Resist: 2
Earth Resist: 2
Fire Resist: 2
Water Resist: 2
Platemail boots01250000-3.6585.68KNo-
Mithril chainmail boots01500000-558.53KNoAir Resist: 3
Dark Resist: 3
Earth Resist: 3
Fire Resist: 3
Water Resist: 3
Dwarven platemail boots01600000-5.6789.83KNoAir Resist: 4
Dark Resist: 4
Earth Resist: 4
Fire Resist: 4
Water Resist: 4
Dragonscale boots01800000-6.89525.74KNoAir Resist: 5
Dark Resist: 5
Earth Resist: 5
Fire Resist: 10
Water Resist: 5
Adamantite platemail boots02300000-10.67721.55KNo-
Ancient platemail boots03000000-17.15337.82KNoAir Resist: 10
Dark Resist: 10
Earth Resist: 10
Fire Resist: 10
Water Resist: 10
Azure plate boots0100050500-500NoStrength: 8
Agility: 8
Endurance: 8
Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 8
Gleaming bluestone sabatons1501250000-3.6530No-
Black lizardskin boots075025300-1.6232.3KNoDodge: 13
Agility: 5
Janders padded boots1511055000-2.9734.25KNoAgility: 15


Ashwood flatbow0000001-3079NoArrow Damage: +100%
Ashwood flatbow +10000001-30719NoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +100%
Ashwood flatbow +20000001-40729NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +100%
Ashwood longbow130240005-1008201NoArrow Damage: +125%
Ashwood longbow +1130240006-1108403NoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +125%
Ashwood longbow +2130240007-1308605NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +125%
Ashwood reflex bow1703900011-1708787NoArrow Damage: 150%
Ashwood reflex bow +11703900012-20081.57KNoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: 150%
Ashwood reflex bow +21703900014-22082.36KNoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: 150%
Ashwood reflex bow +31703900016-26083.15KNoArchery: +50%, Arrow Damage: 150%
Elm flatbow1505300015-23071.76KNoArrow Damage: +100%
Elm flatbow +11505300017-26073.51KNoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +100%
Elm flatbow +21505300019-29075.27KNoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +100%
Elm longbow1806800023-34083.11KNoArrow Damage: +125%
Elm longbow +11806800026-39086.22KNoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +125%
Elm longbow +21806800029-44089.32KNoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +125%
Elm reflex bow2208200027-40084.84KNoArrow Damage: 150%
Elm reflex bow +12208200031-46089.69KNoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: 150%
Elm reflex bow +22208200035-520814.53KNoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: 150%
Elm recurve bow2909700033-48086.96KNoArrow Damage: +200%
Elm recurve bow +12909700037-550813.92KNoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +200%
Elm recurve bow +22909700042-620820.89KNoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +200%
Elm recurve bow +32909700049-720827.85KNoArchery: +50%, Arrow Damage: +200%
Hickory flatbow22012600040-580712.35KNoArrow Damage: +100%
Hickory flatbow +122012600046-660724.7KNoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +100%
Hickory flatbow +222012600052-750737.05KNoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +100%
Hickory longbow27014000051-740815.62KNoArrow Damage: +125%
Hickory longbow +127014000059-850831.24KNoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +125%
Hickory longbow +227014000067-970846.86KNoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +125%
Hickory reflex bow31015500055-790819.27KNoArrow Damage: 150%
Hickory reflex bow +131015500063-910838.55KNoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: 150%
Hickory reflex bow +231015500071-1020857.82KNoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: 150%
Hickory recurve bow40016900060-860823.31KNoArrow Damage: +200%
Hickory recurve bow +140016900069-990846.62KNoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +200%
Hickory recurve bow +240016900078-1120869.93KNoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +200%
Hickory compound bow49018400069-9801027.73KNoArrow Damage: +250%
Hickory compound bow +149018400079-13301055.46KNoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +250%
Hickory compound bow +249018400089-12801083.19KNoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +250%
Hickory compound bow +3490184000103-1480100NoArchery: +50%, Arrow Damage: +250%
Oak flatbow31021300070-1000737.72KNoArrow Damage: +100%
Oak flatbow +131021300080-1150775.44KNoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +100%
Oak flatbow +231021300091-130070NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +100%
Oak longbow36022700086-1230843.29KNoArrow Damage: +125%
Oak longbow +136022700099-1410886.58KNoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +125%
Oak longbow +2360227000112-159080NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +125%
Oak reflex bow42024200088-1250849.25KNoArrow Damage: 150%
Oak reflex bow +1420242000101-1440898.49KNoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: 150%
Oak reflex bow +2420242000114-163080NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: 150%
Oak recurve bow53025600093-1330855.58KNoArrow Damage: +200%
Oak recurve bow +1530256000107-153080NoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +200%
Oak recurve bow +2530256000121-173080NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +200%
Oak compound bow640271000103-14701062.3KNoArrow Damage: +250%
Oak compound bow +1640271000119-1690100NoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +250%
Oak compound bow +2640271000134-1910100NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +250%
Oak composite bow770285000118-16801169.41KNoArrow Damage: +300%
Oak composite bow +1770285000136-1940110NoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +300%
Oak composite bow +2770285000154-2190110NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +300%
Oak composite bow +3770285000178-2530110NoArchery: +50%, Arrow Damage: +300%
Cedar longbow460314000117-1670884.77KNoArrow Damage: +125%
Cedar longbow +1460314000134-192080NoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +125%
Cedar longbow +2460314000152-217080NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +125%
Cedar reflex bow530329000114-1630893.02KNoArrow Damage: 150%
Cedar reflex bow +1530329000131-188080NoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: 150%
Cedar reflex bow +2530329000148-213080NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: 150%
Cedar recurve bow660343000116-167080NoArrow Damage: +200%
Cedar recurve bow +1660343000134-192080NoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +200%
Cedar recurve bow +2660343000151-218080NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +200%
Cedar compound bow800358000124-1990100NoArrow Damage: +250%
Cedar compound bow +1800358000142-2060100NoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +250%
Cedar compound bow +2800358000161-2330100NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +250%
Cedar composite bow940372000137-1990110NoArrow Damage: +300%
Cedar composite bow +1940372000158-2290110NoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +300%
Cedar composite bow +2940372000178-2590110NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +300%
Cedar composite bow +3940372000206-2990110NoArchery: +50%, Arrow Damage: +300%
Lancewood reflex bow620401000125-183080NoArrow Damage: 150%
Lancewood reflex bow +1620401000144-210080NoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: 150%
Lancewood reflex bow +2620401000163-238080NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: 150%
Lancewood recurve bow770416000127-187080NoArrow Damage: +200%
Lancewood recurve bow +1770416000146-215080NoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +200%
Lancewood recurve bow +2770416000165-243080NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +200%
Lancewood compound bow920430000135-1490100NoArrow Damage: +250%
Lancewood compound bow +1920430000156-1790100NoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +250%
Lancewood compound bow +2920430000176-2590100NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +250%
Lancewood composite bow1090445000150-2210110NoArrow Damage: +300%
Lancewood composite bow +11090445000172-2540110NoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +300%
Lancewood composite bow +21090445000195-2870110NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +300%
Lancewood composite bow +31090445000225-3310110NoArchery: +50%, Arrow Damage: +300%
Black Locust recurve bow900503000140-210080NoArrow Damage: +200%
Black Locust recurve bow +1900503000161-241080NoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +200%
Black Locust recurve bow +2900503000183-273080NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +200%
Black Locust compound bow1130546000154-2310100NoArrow Damage: +250%
Black Locust compound bow +11130546000177-2660100NoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +250%
Black Locust compound bow +21130546000200-3010100NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +250%
Black Locust composite bow1380590000175-2650110NoArrow Damage: +300%
Black Locust composite bow +11380590000201-3040110NoArchery: +15%, Arrow Damage: +300%
Black Locust composite bow +21380590000227-3440110NoArchery: +30%, Arrow Damage: +300%
Black Locust composite bow +31380590000262-3970110NoArchery: +50%, Arrow Damage: +300%
Bow of Centaur slaying27014000051-740815.62KNoArrow Damage: +125%
Crude skraug bow40351692520060-860823.31KNoStrength: 10, Arrow Damage: +100%
Bow of the spiders31018400069-98060NoArrow Damage: +125%


Red cape0250000-04233No-
Cape of fire resistance00035450-141.63KNoFire Resist: 20
Cape of the ancient assassin0134835180-320NoDark Resist: 10
Hide: 15
Peek: 15
Warders cloak25050000250-2010NoStrength: 50
Agility: 50
Endurance: 50
Intelligence: -50
Wisdom: -50
Midnight shroud0137035180-320NoHide: 15
Sneak: 15
Dark Resist: 10


Remort white wings000000-000Yes-
Remort black wings000000-000Yes-


Leather gloves0250000-0.41383No-
Studded leather gloves0450000-0.814467No-
Ringmail gauntlets0600000-1.2261.01KNo-
Elven leather gloves0750000-1.6231.76KNo-
Chainmail gauntlets0800000-1.7662.06KNo-
Scalemail gauntlets01000000-2.5743.49KNo-
Elven chainmail gauntlets01100000-2.9754.34KNoAir Resist: 2
Dark Resist: 2
Earth Resist: 2
Fire Resist: 2
Water Resist: 2
Platemail gauntlets01250000-3.6585.81KNo-
Mithril chainmail gauntlets01500000-558.72KNoAir Resist: 3
Dark Resist: 3
Earth Resist: 3
Fire Resist: 3
Water Resist: 3
Dwarven platemail gauntlets01600000-5.67810.06KNoAir Resist: 4
Dark Resist: 4
Earth Resist: 4
Fire Resist: 4
Water Resist: 4
Dragonscale gauntlets01800000-6.89526.33KNoAir Resist: 5
Dark Resist: 5
Earth Resist: 5
Fire Resist: 10
Water Resist: 5
Adamantite platemail gauntlets02300000-10.67722.05KNo-
Ancient platemail gauntlets03000000-17.15338.7KNoAir Resist: 10
Dark Resist: 10
Earth Resist: 10
Fire Resist: 10
Water Resist: 10
Azure plate gauntlets0100050500-500NoStrength: 8
Agility: 8
Endurance: 8
Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 8
Gleaming bluestone gauntlets1501250000-3.6530No-
Gauntlets of shocking0125025200-3.6585.81KNoStrength: 10
Gloves of the duelist045033270-1.814467NoAttack: 25
Janders gloves of thievery01103025330-2.9734.34KNoRob: 10
Agility: 15
Gloves of thieving01500300-13110NoRob: 5
Agility: 7
Dodge: 10


Leather helmet0250000-0.39387No-
Studded leather helmet0450000-0.784503No-
Ringmail helmet0600000-1.1761.09KNo-
Elven leather helmet0750000-1.5631.9KNo-
Chainmail helmet0800000-1.6962.22KNo-
Scalemail helmet01000000-2.4743.77KNo-
Elven chainmail helmet01100000-2.8654.7KNoAir Resist: 2
Dark Resist: 2
Earth Resist: 2
Fire Resist: 2
Water Resist: 2
Platemail helmet01250000-3.5186.29KNo-
Mithril chainmail helmet01500000-4.8159.45KNoAir Resist: 3
Dark Resist: 3
Earth Resist: 3
Fire Resist: 3
Water Resist: 3
Dwarven platemail helmet01600000-5.46810.89KNoAir Resist: 4
Dark Resist: 4
Earth Resist: 4
Fire Resist: 4
Water Resist: 4
Dragonscale helmet01800000-6.63528.53KNoAir Resist: 5
Dark Resist: 5
Earth Resist: 5
Fire Resist: 10
Water Resist: 5
Adamantite platemail helmet02300000-10.27723.89KNo-
Ancient platemail helmet03000000-16.51341.93KNoAir Resist: 10
Dark Resist: 10
Earth Resist: 10
Fire Resist: 10
Water Resist: 10
Azure plate helm0100050500-4.8100NoStrength: 8
Agility: 8
Endurance: 8
Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 8
Gleaming bluestone headgear1501250000-3.5130No-
Mystic headband of the wind00066760-030NoDodge: 50
Air Power: 25
Crown of the visionary00050470-337.92KNoFire Resist: 5
Water Resist: 5
Earth Resist: 5
Air Resist: 5
Dark Resist: 5
Crown of the Death Jester00021190-23736No-
Drachenhelm010050700-1020NoDodge: 50
Elven hat000000-020No-
Runed malachite diadem000108980-1030NoAir Resist: 10
Dark Resist: 10
Earth Resist: 10
Fire Resist: 10
Water Resist: 10
Madrigans hat of camouflage0755012160-1.5638KNoHide: 10
Sneak: 10
Lost helm of the dragon0150046300-7.580NoFire Resist: 5
Water Resist: 5
Air Resist: 5
Earth Resist: 5
Dark Resist: 5
Golden emerald-encrusted tiara000190280-030NoWisdom: 50
Earth: 25
Arcane circlet of power000152650-030NoIntelligence: 100
Light Power: -25
Spectral helm00019910-3818.87KNoIntelligence: 20
Dark Power: 10
Screaming helm of Ogrimar000541020-2338.62KNoDark Power: 10
Light Power: -10
Water Power: 10
Earth: 10
Air Power: 10
Meditate: -10
Helmet of the Clairvoyant00054260-337.92KNoMeditate: 10
Wisdom: 10
Shaman helm000000-000No-
Skeleton helm000000-000No-


Cloth pants000000-030No-
Leather leggings0250000-0.45590No-
Studded leather leggings0450000-0.96526No-
Ringmail leggings0600000-1.3591.14KNo-
Elven leather leggings0750000-1.851.99KNo-
Chainmail leggings0800000-1.9592.33KNo-
Scalemail leggings01000000-2.8563.96KNo-
Elven chainmail leggings01100000-3.384.93KNoAir Resist: 2
Dark Resist: 2
Earth Resist: 2
Fire Resist: 2
Water Resist: 2
Platemail leggings01250000-4.05126.6KNo-
Mithril chainmail leggings01500000-5.5579.91KNoAir Resist: 3
Dark Resist: 3
Earth Resist: 3
Fire Resist: 3
Water Resist: 3
Dwarven platemail leggings01600000-6.31211.42KNoAir Resist: 4
Dark Resist: 4
Earth Resist: 4
Fire Resist: 4
Water Resist: 4
Dragonscale leggings01800000-7.65729.92KNoAir Resist: 5
Dark Resist: 5
Earth Resist: 5
Fire Resist: 10
Water Resist: 5
Adamantite platemail leggings02300000-11.851125.05KNo-
Ancient platemail leggings03000000-19.05543.98KNoAir Resist: 10
Dark Resist: 10
Earth Resist: 10
Fire Resist: 10
Water Resist: 10
Azure plate leggings0100050500-5.5500NoStrength: 8
Agility: 8
Endurance: 8
Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 8
Gleaming bluestone legplates1501250000-4.0540No-


Crimsonscales letter000000-000Yes-
C5 permit000000-010No-
Tarantula fang000000-010No-
Arcane scroll000000-00100Yes-
Necklace of the Black Heart000000-010No-
Scroll of Horse Friendship000000-010No-
A3 permit000000-010No-
Baldrics drum000000-030No-
Belladonna berries000000-000No-
Blade of Ruin1260020100000012.35KYes-
Blank Magic Scroll000000-01350No-
Blank magical tome000000-02700No-
Blood dagger0000000030No-
Skull of Ogrimar000000-000Yes-
Red crystal shard000000-000Yes-
Blue gem000000-010No-
Blood of Ogrimar000000-000Yes-
Book of Feylor000000-030No-
Book of Warfare000000-010No-
Box of jewels000000-000Yes-
Madrigans key000000-010No-
J4 permit000000-010No-
B1 permit000000-010No-
J1 permit000000-010No-
Corrupt heart000000-000Yes-
Candle of eternity000000-010No-
Secret document000000-010No-
Chaos key000000-000No-
Chronicles of Doom000000-000Yes-
Mad house key000000-000Yes-
Heart of Gluriurl000000-000Yes-
Nephil spider venom000000-010No-
Dew covered metal key000000-000No-
Crystal key000000-000Yes-
Crystal key000000-000Yes-
Crystal key000000-000Yes-
Branch of Wisdom000000-000Yes-
Tome of Arcane Knowledge000000-000Yes-
Cuthana herb000000-000Yes-
C2 permit000000-010No-
Broken ethereal key000000-000Yes-
Dark gem000000-040No-
Flask of Gluriurls blood000000-000Yes-
Crystal key000000-000Yes-
Dead fish000000-015No-
Death Jesters skull000000-031No-
Decaying bat wings000000-0240No-
Demon trees leaf000000-01900No-
Demon skull000000-020No-
Stack of demon tree wood000000-01800No-
Skull of evil000000-020No-
Dragons tooth000000-010No-
Will of Artherk000000-000Yes-
D4 permit000000-010No-
Empty beer mug000000-011No-
Empty flask000000-020No-
Key of Ogrimar000000-000Yes-
Ethereal key000000-000Yes-
Solinaes staff000000-000Yes-
E5 permit000000-010No-
Blade of Ruin0000000000Yes-
Fang of true resolve000000-000Yes-
Jormungands Soulstone000000-000No-
Enchanted glass key000000-000Yes-
Finely crafted drum000000-020No-
Finely cut amethyst000000-010No-
Finely cut carnelian000000-010No-
Finely cut garnet000000-010No-
Rough limestone000000-010No-
Finely cut sapphire000000-010No-
Finely cut diamond000000-010No-
Finely cut emerald000000-010No-
Finely cut moonstone000000-010No-
Finely cut agate000000-010No-
Finely cut aquamarine000000-010No-
Finely cut malachite000000-010No-
Finely cut ruby000000-010No-
Small key000000-000Yes-
Demonic blood000000-020No-
F1 permit000000-010No-
Sparkling ruby000000-002.25KNo-
gem of destiny000000-000No-
Gem of courage000000-010No-
Gem of the Immortal000000-010Yes-
Gleaming shard000000-030No-
Rolling pin000000-010No-
Golden chalice000000-01500No-
Grail of purity000000-010No-
Royal hive safe conduct000000-010No-
Green gemstone of the Forest Spirit000000-010NoRadiance: 75
Blue crystal shard000000-000Yes-
Green gem000000-010No-
G4 permit000000-010No-
Villains skull000000-020No-
Ring of true self000000-010No-
Healing leaf000000-010No-
Finely cut limestone000000-010No-
Hourglass of Essence000000-010No-
Humans foot000000-010No-
H2 permit000000-010No-
C1 permit000000-010No-
I4 permit000000-010No-
Arcane spellbook000000-000Yes-
Bracers of the barbarian00016140-2246.36KNoAttack: +50%
Dodge: -50
Antelopes skin000000-040No-
Jarkos spellbook20010001012-300350No-
Hels Soulstone000000-000No-
Key of Artherk000000-000Yes-
Kraanian eyes000000-010No-
Egg of a kraanian000000-020No-
Pink trees leaf000000-010No-
Greater hive safe conduct000000-010No-
A tightly-wrapped scroll000000-000Yes-
Letter to Jamar000000-000Yes-
Letter to Kalir000000-000Yes-
Letter to Sunrock000000-011No-
Sacrificial dagger of bleeding000000-04978No-
Lost Psalms of Artherk p.1000000-010No-
Lost Psalms of Artherk p.2000000-010No-
Lost Psalms of Artherk p.3000000-010No-
Lost Psalms of Artherk p.4000000-010No-
Lost Psalms of Artherk p.5000000-010No-
Thank-you note000000-010No-
Ethereal key000000-000Yes-
J3 permit000000-010No-
Flask of liquid spider silk000000-020No-
Magic scripting kit000000-030No-
Crumbling bone key000000-000No-
Merchants letter000000-000No-
Mind-control talisman000000-010No-
Crystal of Providence000000-000Yes-
Mummys bandages000000-010No-
Rough emerald000000-010No-
Nimlis key000000-000No-
Aloysiuss scroll000000-000Yes-
Fishing rod000000-000No-
Water bowl000000-000No-
Nomads house key000000-000Yes-
Pearl of wisdom000000-020No-
Pirates cutlass0000000050No-
Plain blank scroll000000-0133No-
Orcish plans000000-010No-
Poison apple000000-0195No-
Key of Ascension000000-000No-
Potion of heroism000000-021.2KNo-
Pouch of black snakeroot000000-02565No-
Pouch of blue cohosh000000-02625No-
Pouch of witch hazel000000-01450No-
Pouch of woody nightshade000000-02675No-
Pouch of dandelion leaves000000-02890No-
Pouch of juniper berries000000-0295No-
Pouch of willow bark000000-02375No-
Pouch of yellow powder000000-020No-
Feeder eyes000000-010No-
Raw crystal000000-01344No-
Red gem000000-010No-
Red spellbook000000-020No-
Rhodars hammer0000000000Yes-
Collectors book000000-020No-
Ring of trust000000-000No-
Rod of mana000000-000Yes-
Rolphs report000000-020No-
Rough amethyst000000-010No-
Rough carnelian000000-010No-
Rough garnet000000-010No-
Crown of corruption000000-030Yes-
Rough sapphire000000-010No-
Magical lute000000-020No-
Rough diamond000000-010No-
Rough moonstone000000-010No-
Rough agate000000-010No-
Rough aquamarine000000-010No-
Rough malachite000000-010No-
Rough ruby000000-010No-
Royal key000000-00585Yes-
Royal key000000-00585Yes-
Royal key000000-00585Yes-
Royal key000000-00585Yes-
Royal key000000-00585Yes-
Royal key000000-00585Yes-
Ruby dragon fang000000-010Yes-
Dark stone000000-000Yes-
Runic scripting kit000000-02650No-
Sapphire gem000000-020No-
Certificate of recognition000000-010No-
Oddly shaped shard of stone000000-000Yes-
Scroll of enchantment000000-014.55KNo-
Soul of Artherk000000-000Yes-
Battle token000000-000No-
Hat of disguise000000-010No-
Scroll of evil deed000000-010No-
Lesser hive safe conduct000000-010No-
Necromantic scroll000000-000Yes-
Beltigans scroll000000-000Yes-
Mordreds key000000-000Yes-
Shadeens earrings000000-000Yes-
Wooden Chair000000-000No-
Sigfrieds report000000-020No-
Silver feather000000-000Yes-
Thors parchment000000-000Yes-
Skeleton bone000000-0375No-
Moon Tug scalp000000-000No-
Scroll of Hate000000-000No-
Heart of Artherk000000-000Yes-
Gem-encrusted silver pendant000000-00850No-
Chipped bone key000000-000No-
Unsealed letter from Owain000000-000Yes-
Bones of Ogrimar000000-000Yes-
Exquisitely crafted gold ring000000-00650No-
Magic mirror000000-010No-
Alchemy kit000000-030No-
Lute of peace000000-000Yes-
Stone key000000-000No-
Stone of Life000000-020No-
Voyeurs cloak012020350-25449No-
Sword of Majesty1840000064-97080No-
Sword of might10000010001000035-54000Yes-
Psykowasp Queen eyes000000-010No-
Tanned antelopes skin000000-040No-
Tarantulas eyes000000-01300No-
Drum of fate000000-000Yes-
Tear-shaped pearl000000-024KNo-
Thieves sealed scroll000000-010No-
Tigers tooth000000-010No-
Fenrirs Soulstone000000-000No-
Tome of Valor000000-000Yes-
Troll Reward Badge000000-011No-
Vampire bat wings000000-021No-
Book of Duplication000000-010No-
Essence of Bloodlust000000-020No-
Violet crystal shard000000-000Yes-
Green crystal shard000000-000Yes-
Yellow crystal shard000000-000Yes-
Wasps wax000000-010No-
Wax apple000000-011No-
Hammer of Finality000000-000Yes-
Yellow gem000000-000No-
human bone000000-010No-

Scrolls, Keys & Potions

Poseidon's Palace Key000000-000No-
Ancient ring000000-000Yes-
Dull copper key000000-000Yes-
Arcane liquor000000-020No-
Carnelian crystal key000000-000Yes-
Fine wine000000-030No-
Spider venom000000-010No-
Key of Revelations000000-000Yes-
Vial of Dragon Blood000000-000Yes-
Agate crystal key000000-000Yes-
Dark iron key000000-000No-
Potion of critical healing000000-02333No-
Ivory key000000-000Yes-
Foul potion000000-020No-
Shiny metal key000000-000No-
Dark key000000-001No-
Potion of deific healing000000-031.33KNo-
Bluestone talisman000000-000No-
Gem of the Stars000000-010No-
Crude iron key000000-000Yes-
Elixir of purity000000-02200No-
Sapphire crystal key000000-000Yes-
Gleaming orichalcum key000000-000Yes-
Scorched metal key000000-000Yes-
Potion of awareness000000-020No-
Flask of goblin blood000000-0225No-
Flask of bluish liquid000000-0210No-
Flask of crystal water000000-0275No-
Flask of holy water000000-02100No-
Godly potion of healing000000-02550No-
Scroll of Lighthaven000000-010Yes-
Scroll of Silversky000000-010Yes-
Scroll of WindHowl000000-010Yes-
Gem of Replenishment000000-001No-
Gem of Regeneration000000-001No-
Gem of Rejuvenation000000-001No-
Gem of Renewal000000-001No-
Gem of Flames000000-001No-
Gem of the Immortals000000-001No-
Gem of Unstable Protection000000-001No-
Gem of the Sun000000-010No-
Gem of the Moon000000-010No-
Pulsating key000000-000Yes-
Potion of healing000000-0242No-
Gem of Vitality000000-001No-
Hyper potion of clear thought000000-02666No-
Hyper potion of fortitude000000-02666No-
Hyper potion of fury000000-02666No-
Hyper potion of nimbleness000000-02666No-
Hyper potion of tranquility000000-02666No-
Hyper potion of violent rage000000-021.85KNo-
Iron key000000-0020No-
Potion of cure disease000000-0166No-
Twisted key000000-000No-
Shimmering platinum key000000-000Yes-
Key of the Lost Soul000000-010No-
Key of the Banished000000-010No-
Potion of light healing000000-0217No-
Steel safe key000000-000No-
Amethyst crystal key000000-000Yes-
Mana elixir000000-0250No-
Mana prism000000-050No-
Book of psalms000000-030No-
Polished bone key000000-000No-
Small gold key000000-000Yes-
Malachite crystal key000000-000Yes-
Potion of clear thought000000-0266No-
Potion of iron will000000-020No-
Potion of cure rabies000000-01333No-
Scroll of true sight000000-01690No-
Potion of cure poison000000-0166No-
Potion of fortitude000000-0266No-
Potion of fury000000-0266No-
Potion of greater air resistance000000-021000No-
Potion of greater earth resistance000000-021000No-
Potion of greater fire resistance000000-021000No-
Potion of greater protection from evil000000-021000No-
Potion of greater water resistance000000-021000No-
Scroll of mental fortitude000000-000No-
Potion of lesser air resistance000000-0250No-
Potion of lesser earth resistance000000-0250No-
Potion of lesser fire resistance000000-0250No-
Potion of lesser protection from evil000000-0250No-
Potion of lesser water resistance000000-0250No-
Potion of mana000000-0217No-
Potion of nimbleness000000-0266No-
Potion of partial air resistance000000-02166No-
Potion of partial earth resistance000000-02166No-
Potion of partial fire resistance000000-02166No-
Potion of partial protection from evil000000-02166No-
Potion of partial water resistance000000-02166No-
Potion of regeneration000000-021.67KNo-
Vial of Fey blood000000-010No-
Potion of tranquility000000-0266No-
Translucent key000000-000Yes-
Reynens key000000-0080No-
Scroll of Stonecrest000000-0016.67KYes-
Blackened iron key000000-000No-
Psykowasps nectar000000-020No-
Potion of reversal000000-011.1KNo-
Trial key000000-000Yes-
Onyx crystal key000000-000Yes-
Rusted key000000-000No-
Ruby crystal key000000-000Yes-
Scroll of Lighthaven000000-02100No-
Scroll of revitalization000000-011.28KNo-
Scroll of Silversky000000-008.33KYes-
Scroll of Windhowl000000-020No-
Scroll of Annihilation000000-000No-
Scroll of protection000000-0180No-
Scroll of detect invisible000000-01500No-
Scroll of mana surge000000-01540No-
Scroll of barrier000000-01210No-
Scroll of detect hidden000000-01350No-
Scroll of stone skin000000-01370No-
Scroll of minor combat sense000000-01240No-
Scroll of mana shield000000-01290No-
Scroll of major combat sense000000-01660No-
Scroll of orientation I000000-000No-
Escape scroll000000-000Yes-
Scroll of earthen strength000000-01230No-
Scroll of resist fire000000-01430No-
Scroll of sanctuary000000-01666No-
Scroll of resist ice000000-01460No-
Scroll of recall000000-01210No-
Potion of serious healing000000-02100No-
Scroll of orientation II000000-000No-
Solid gold key000000-000Yes-
Emerald crystal key000000-000Yes-
Skull key000000-000No-
Small silver key000000-000Yes-
Shiny silver key000000-000Yes-
Exquisitely worked stone key000000-000Yes-
Key of the Forgotten000000-010No-
Runed Stone Tablet000000-000Yes-
Vial of spider venom000000-0210No-
Willow bark brew000000-01130No-
Scroll of invisibility000000-01580No-


Wooden arrows (unlimited)00000010333No-
Pinpoint arrows (unlimited)0000001-203500No-
Bone-tipped arrows (unlimited)0000001-3035KNo-
Flight arrows (unlimited)0000002-40325KNo-
Trueshots Quiver200110000+0.1 per level001NoAgility: 10
Archery: 50
Quiver of Stability30022000010001NoAgility: 25
Archery: 100


Spider-shaped ring0100301130-5150.7KNoIntelligence: 25
Dark Power: 10
Bloodstone ring00018300-11650NoIntelligence: 5
Templars ring00066140-213.5KNoWisdom: 5
Light Power: 5
Dark Resist: 5
Guardian Ring of Vitality000000-001No-
Chipped azure ring000751000-210NoRadiance: 100
Strength: 15
Agility: 15
Endurance: 15
Wisdom: 15
Intelligence: 15
Ring of the assassin000000-014.71KNoSneak: 5
Hide: 5
Dodge: 10
Agility: 10
Ring of the lion30222625250-010NoStrength: 10
Parry: 5
Ring of the forester006015150-010NoSneak: 20
Diamond ring of engagement000000-514KNo-
Gold ring of engagement000000-313KNo-
Silver ring of engagement000000-211.5KNo-
Ring of the berserker00025200-01718NoStrength: 10
Attack: 25
Dodge: -25
Golden ring00026220-11650NoStrength: 5
Gladiators ring1080752520500-510NoAttack: 100
Iron ring0001817000173No-
Jade ring of sorcery00065900-0114KNoAir Power: 10
Dark Power: 10
Water Power: 10
Earth: 10
Fire Power: 10
Ring of the healer0005000-211.26KNoWisdom: 5
Ring of the priest0007500-013KNo-
Minotaurs clan ring00033270-111.07KNoAttack: 25
Archery: 25
Ring of the ranger005013170-112.87KNoArchery: 25
Hide: 10
Moonstone ring00046190-211.59KNoWisdom: 10
Willowisp ring000000-01343NoRadiance: 100
Onyx ring00031290-111.07KNoAgility: 2
Intelligence: 2
Strength: 2
Wisdom: 2
Endurance: 2
Platinum ring00041370-212.6KNoAgility: 3
Endurance: 3
Wisdom: 3
Strength: 3
Intelligence: 3
Ring of accuracy00029290-01792NoAgility: 5
Attack: +15%
Archery: 15
Ring of confidence00031170-01533NoWisdom: 5
Attack: 5
Archery: 5
Ring of darkness000000-0173No-
Ring of faith00065150-011.15KNoWisdom: 20
Ring of light00025250-01396NoRadiance: 100
Ring of pure faith00090150-015.2KNoWisdom: 30
Ring of the Seraph000000-1010YesAir Resist: 10
Fire Resist: 10
Water Resist: 10
Earth Resist: 10
Dark Resist: 10
Ring of the bear00023200-01437NoStrength: 5
Janders ring of nimbleness00055630-018.53KNoAgility: 25
Dodge: 25
Ring of the Initiate00025230-11650NoAgility: 1
Endurance: 1
Intelligence: 1
Wisdom: 1
Strength: 1
Ring of the adept0002500-01510No-
Ring of the duellist300500150-015.2KNoAttack: 25
Dodge: 25
Parry: 10
Silvery ring of undead bane000000-110No-
Ring of the rogue003041520-2118.84KNoAgility: 25
Rob: 10
Warlocks ring00015530-011.18KNoIntelligence: 15
Ring of blinking000000-010No-


Wooden shield0450000-1.9881.12KNo-
Round shield0600000-2.9782.46KNo-
Orcish shield0800000-4.2995.09KNo-
Large shield01000000-6.27108.66KNo-
Tower shield01250000-8.911014.47KNo-
Mithril shield01500000-12.211121.76KNo-
Gothic shield01800000-16.831232.47KNo-
Adamantite shield02300000-26.071255.08KNo-
Shield of the Ages03000000-41.91496.71KNoParry: 25
Shield of WindHowl060023260-382.84KNoDodge: 19
Silver spoon of the Prophet000000-110NoWisdom: 10
Light Power: 10
Radiance: 100
Shield of the Damned0175060600-15127.92KNoFire Resist: 10
Dark Resist: 10
Water Resist: 10
Earth Resist: 10
Air Resist: 10
Light Power: -25
Coral shield0180065900-16.831249.63KNoFire Resist: 50
Drachenshield4012530000-12.2120NoAttack: +50%
All With Honor Shield0200000-520NoAir Resist: 5
Dark Resist: 5
Earth Resist: 5
Fire Resist: 5
Water Resist: 5
Parry: 15
Dodge: 16.67
Eye of the tiger0001131150-1030NoRadiance: 100
Fire Resist: 5
Water Resist: 5
Earth Resist: 5
Dark Resist: 5
Air Resist: 5
Fire Power: 5
Dark Power: 5
Air Power: 5
Water Power: 5
Earth: 5
Light Power: 5
Darkwood shield150180000500-20100NoWater Resist: 10
Fire Resist: -10
Skeleton shield000000-000No-
Emerald power focus00065280-020NoEarth: 25
Air Power: -15
Air Resist: -10
Earth Resist: -10
Fire Resist: -10
Water Resist: -10
Diamond power focus00046460-020NoAir Power: 25
Earth: -15
Air Resist: -10
Earth Resist: -10
Fire Resist: -10
Water Resist: -10
Sapphire power focus00028650-020NoWater Power: 25
Fire Power: -15
Air Resist: -10
Earth Resist: -10
Fire Resist: -10
Water Resist: -10
Ruby power focus00015780-020NoFire Power: 25
Water Power: -15
Air Resist: -10
Earth Resist: -10
Fire Resist: -10
Water Resist: -10


Sword of Light6800230028-44073.32KNoWisdom: 5
Radiance: 100
Axe of destruction82003025032-500105.41KNoStrength: 10
Blood drinker680000021-33043.11KNo-
Blade of heroism1550000064-980538.75KNoAttack: +15%
Blade of sharpness82002320028-44055.06KNoStrength: 5
Bonesword of the berserker1410222520045-6901012.72KNoStrength: 10
Attack: 10
Meditate: -25
Grim sword of war227083000114-1730100NoAttack: 100
Jagged gypsy dagger126002818041-630412.35KNoAgility: 5
Wisdom: 5
Chaotic sword53000001-41071.76KNo-
Great axe of the crow24204325250101-15301055.41KNoAttack: 25
Strength: 10
Colossus25000000262-3970160NoAttack: +30%
Crusher140003000-490NoAttack: +30%
Dagger of piercing3900211909-1603949NoAttack: 10
Dagger of vitality42003025012-19041.51KNoEndurance: 10
Darksword242004535085-1290751.33KNoAttack: +50%
Drachensword23006000064-98030NoStrength: 50
Crystal sword of might25102150530101-15301077.62KNoAgility: 10
Strength: 10
Endurance: 10
Drusss briber of souls1300000064-9911313.61KNoStrength: 10
Dodge: 25
Soulstealer0000001-666666101NoStrength: 50
Endurance: 50
Agility: 50
Intelligence: 50
Luck: 50
Wisdom: 50
Attack: 666
Dodge: 666
Vampire axe850000015-150116.75KNo-
Wizards bane3290073730131-2010100NoAir Resist: 10
Dark Resist: 10
Earth Resist: 10
Fire Resist: 10
Water Resist: 10
Dark gemblade2420043530101-15301054KNoDark Power: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 5
Endurance: 5
Wisdom: 5
Goblin blade530000016-25061.76KNo-
Goblin slayer970023200-076.96KNoStrength: 5
Assassins blade110065015051-780419.87KNo-
Holy cutlass12000000-070No-
Prismatic blade1260000041-630412.35KNo-
Lightbringer53002525016-26071.92KNoRadiance: 100
Mjolnir20000000108-165090NoAttack: +30%
Hammer of true sight60005600-094.84KNo-
Nightsword65002530021-33073.37KNoAgility: 10
Runed halberd425150000500304-4811050NoAttack: +30%
Sapphire-hilted rapier198004340069-1050732.52KNoAgility: 5
Strength: 5
Wisdom: 5
Intelligence: 5
Endurance: 5
Sword of the Warlord8200023028-44084.84KNoIntelligence: 5
Purity15000300079-120070NoAttack: +30%
Quickstrike800000042-65070NoAttack: +30%
Skeleton sword0000001-1000No-
Bloodstained broadsword820000028-44085.98KNoStrength: 5
Agility: 5
Endurance: 5
Wisdom: -5
Intelligence: -5
Grim blade of war266035350078-11801044.22KNoAttack: +50%
Dark Resist: 10
Lost blade of the dragon24200000102-155050No-
Shadow blade68002119022-34073.27KNoAttack: 10
Silver axe7100000-0103.42KNo-
Skaven club0000001-1000No-
Skeleton axe0000001-1000No-
Skull dagger1200154305-903415NoIntelligence: 5
Sword of fury59002421018-29072.52KNoAttack: +15%
Stinger73001515017-38033.76KNoAgility: 10
Trolls club790000025-39084.47KNo-
Mace of strength400047170-1131.76KNoStrength: 5
Twisted dagger300050300-033.22KNoDark Resist: 15
Twisted long sword750000027-42070NoParry: 25
Backbreaker6000560032-51084.84KNoWisdom: -5
Intelligence: -5
Strength: 10

Melee Weapons

Rusted dagger24000006-1004201No-
Rusted dagger +124000006-1204403NoAttack: +15%
Rusted dagger +224000007-1304605NoAttack: +30%
Rusted dagger +324000009-1504806NoAttack: +50%
Rusted dirk0000001-4039No-
Rusted dirk +10000002-40319NoAttack: +15%
Rusted dirk +20000002-50329NoAttack: +30%
Rusted hand axe390000013-22010787No-
Rusted hand axe +1390000015-250101.57KNoAttack: +15%
Rusted hand axe +2390000017-290102.36KNoAttack: +30%
Rusted hand axe +3390000020-330103.15KNoAttack: +50%
Rusted long sword24000006-1107201No-
Rusted long sword +124000007-1207403NoAttack: +15%
Rusted long sword +224000008-1407605NoAttack: +30%
Rusted long sword +324000009-1607806NoAttack: +50%
Rusted short sword0000002-4069No-
Rusted short sword +10000002-50619NoAttack: +15%
Rusted short sword +20000002-50629NoAttack: +30%
Polished broadsword820000028-44084.84KNo-
Polished broadsword +1820000032-51089.69KNoAttack: +15%
Polished broadsword +2820000037-570814.53KNoAttack: +30%
Polished broadsword +3820000042-660819.37KNoAttack: +50%
Polished dagger680000021-33043.11KNo-
Polished dagger +1680000024-37046.22KNoAttack: +15%
Polished dagger +2680000027-42049.32KNoAttack: +30%
Polished dagger +3680000031-490412.43KNoAttack: +50%
Polished dirk530000014-22031.76KNo-
Polished dirk +1530000016-26033.51KNoAttack: +15%
Polished dirk +2530000018-29035.27KNoAttack: +30%
Polished hand axe970000038-600106.96KNo-
Polished hand axe +1970000044-6901013.92KNoAttack: +15%
Polished hand axe +2970000050-7801020.89KNoAttack: +30%
Polished hand axe +3970000058-9001027.85KNoAttack: +50%
Polished long sword680000022-34073.11KNo-
Polished long sword +1680000025-39076.22KNoAttack: +15%
Polished long sword +2680000028-45079.32KNoAttack: +30%
Polished short sword530000016-25061.76KNo-
Polished short sword +1530000018-29063.51KNoAttack: +15%
Polished short sword +2530000020-33065.27KNoAttack: +30%
Fine steel battle axe1840000091-13901327.73KNo-
Fine steel battle axe +118400000105-16001355.46KNoAttack: +15%
Fine steel battle axe +218400000118-18101383.19KNoAttack: +30%
Fine steel battle axe +318400000137-2090130NoAttack: +50%
Fine steel broadsword1400000050-770815.62KNo-
Fine steel broadsword +11400000058-890831.24KNoAttack: +15%
Fine steel broadsword +21400000065-1000846.86KNoAttack: +30%
Fine steel dagger970000031-48046.96KNo-
Fine steel dagger +1970000035-550413.92KNoAttack: +15%
Fine steel dagger +2970000040-620420.89KNoAttack: +30%
Fine steel dagger +3970000046-720427.85KNoAttack: +50%
Fine steel hand axe1550000063-9701019.27KNo-
Fine steel hand axe +11550000073-11201038.55KNoAttack: +15%
Fine steel hand axe +21550000082-12601057.82KNoAttack: +30%
Fine steel long sword1260000043-660712.35KNo-
Fine steel long sword +11260000049-760724.7KNoAttack: +15%
Fine steel long sword +21260000055-850737.05KNoAttack: +30%
Fine steel mace90007900-0912.35KNo-
Fine steel mace +190007900-0924.7KNoAttack: +15%
Fine steel mace +290007900-0937.05KNoAttack: +30%
Fine steel mace +390007900-0949.4KNoAttack: +50%
Fine steel scimitar1550000058-890819.27KNo-
Fine steel scimitar +11550000067-1030838.55KNoAttack: +15%
Fine steel scimitar +21550000076-1160857.82KNoAttack: +30%
Fine steel scimitar +31550000087-1340877.09KNoAttack: +50%
Fine steel short sword1110000036-55069.46KNo-
Fine steel short sword +11110000041-630618.93KNoAttack: +15%
Fine steel short sword +21110000046-720628.39KNoAttack: +30%
Fine steel warhammer60005600-094.84KNo-
Fine steel warhammer +160005600-099.69KNoAttack: +15%
Fine steel warhammer +260005600-0914.53KNoAttack: +30%
High-metal bastard sword24200000101-15301049.25KNo-
High-metal bastard sword +124200000116-17601098.49KNoAttack: +15%
High-metal bastard sword +224200000131-1990100NoAttack: +30%
High-metal bastard sword +324200000151-2300100NoAttack: +50%
High-metal battle axe27100000136-20701362.3KNo-
High-metal battle axe +127100000156-2380130NoAttack: +15%
High-metal battle axe +227100000177-2690130NoAttack: +30%
High-metal broad axe30000000202-30601676.9KNo-
High-metal broad axe +130000000232-3510160NoAttack: +15%
High-metal broad axe +230000000262-3970160NoAttack: +30%
High-metal broad axe +330000000303-4590160NoAttack: +50%
High-metal broadsword2130000078-1180837.72KNo-
High-metal broadsword +12130000089-1360875.44KNoAttack: +15%
High-metal broadsword +221300000101-154080NoAttack: +30%
High-metal dagger1260000041-630412.35KNo-
High-metal dagger +11260000047-720424.7KNoAttack: +15%
High-metal dagger +21260000053-810437.05KNoAttack: +30%
High-metal dagger +31260000061-940449.4KNoAttack: +50%
High-metal flail1400011600-0932.53KNo-
High-metal flail +11400011600-0965.07KNoAttack: +15%
High-metal flail +21400011600-0997.6KNoAttack: +30%
High-metal flail +31400011600-090NoAttack: +50%
High-metal hand axe24200000101-15301049.25KNo-
High-metal hand axe +124200000116-17601098.49KNoAttack: +15%
High-metal hand axe +224200000131-1990100NoAttack: +30%
High-metal long sword1980000069-1050732.53KNo-
High-metal long sword +11980000079-1210765.07KNoAttack: +15%
High-metal long sword +21980000090-1370797.6KNoAttack: +30%
High-metal mace110009400-0919.27KNo-
High-metal mace +1110009400-0938.55KNoAttack: +15%
High-metal mace +2110009400-0957.82KNoAttack: +30%
High-metal scimitar2270000087-1320843.29KNo-
High-metal scimitar +122700000100-1520886.58KNoAttack: +15%
High-metal scimitar +222700000113-172080NoAttack: +30%
High-metal short sword1840000061-930627.73KNo-
High-metal short sword +11840000070-1060655.46KNoAttack: +15%
High-metal short sword +21840000079-1200683.19KNoAttack: +30%
Mithril bastard sword31400000128-19601084.77KNo-
Mithril bastard sword +131400000148-2250100NoAttack: +15%
Mithril bastard sword +231400000167-2550100NoAttack: +30%
Mithril battle axe35800000163-2530130No-
Mithril battle axe +135800000188-2910130NoAttack: +15%
Mithril battle axe +235800000212-3290130NoAttack: +30%
Mithril blade1840000067-1020527.73KNo-
Mithril blade +11840000077-1170555.46KNoAttack: +15%
Mithril blade +21840000087-1320583.19KNoAttack: +30%
Mithril blade +318400000100-153050NoAttack: +50%
Mithril broad axe41600000234-3700160No-
Mithril broad axe +141600000269-4250160NoAttack: +15%
Mithril broad axe +241600000304-4810160NoAttack: +30%
Mithril broad axe +341600000351-5550160NoAttack: +50%
Mithril broadsword28500000105-1600869.41KNo-
Mithril broadsword +128500000121-184080NoAttack: +15%
Mithril broadsword +228500000137-208080NoAttack: +30%
Mithril dagger1550000051-780419.27KNo-
Mithril dagger +11550000058-890438.55KNoAttack: +15%
Mithril dagger +21550000066-1010457.82KNoAttack: +30%
Mithril flail1700013900-0949.25KNo-
Mithril flail +11700013900-0998.49KNoAttack: +15%
Mithril flail +21700013900-090NoAttack: +30%
Mithril long sword2710000095-1440762.3KNo-
Mithril long sword +127100000109-166070NoAttack: +15%
Mithril long sword +227100000124-188070NoAttack: +30%
Mithril morningstar2100016900-0876.9KNo-
Mithril morningstar +12100016900-080NoAttack: +15%
Mithril morningstar +22100016900-080NoAttack: +30%
Mithril morningstar +32100016900-080NoAttack: +50%
Mithril scimitar30000000116-1750876.9KNo-
Mithril scimitar +130000000133-202080NoAttack: +15%
Mithril scimitar +230000000150-228080NoAttack: +30%
Mithril two-handed sword32900000157-24101293.02KNo-
Mithril two-handed sword +132900000181-2770120NoAttack: +15%
Mithril two-handed sword +232900000204-3130120NoAttack: +30%
Mithril two-handed sword +332900000236-3620120NoAttack: +50%
Adamantite bastard sword38700000141-2210100No-
Adamantite bastard sword +138700000162-2540100NoAttack: +15%
Adamantite bastard sword +238700000183-2870100NoAttack: +30%
Adamantite blade2420000089-1350549.25KNo-
Adamantite blade +124200000102-1550598.49KNoAttack: +15%
Adamantite blade +224200000115-175050NoAttack: +30%
Adamantite blade +324200000133-202050NoAttack: +50%
Adamantite broadsword35800000119-185080No-
Adamantite broadsword +135800000137-213080NoAttack: +15%
Adamantite broadsword +235800000155-241080NoAttack: +30%
Adamantite scimitar37200000127-198080No-
Adamantite scimitar +137200000146-228080NoAttack: +15%
Adamantite scimitar +237200000165-258080NoAttack: +30%
Adamantite two-handed sword40100000172-2710120No-
Adamantite two-handed sword +140100000198-3120120NoAttack: +15%
Adamantite two-handed sword +240100000224-3520120NoAttack: +30%
Adamantite two-handed sword +340100000258-4070120NoAttack: +50%
Ancient bastard sword53200000166-2710100No-
Ancient bastard sword +153200000191-3110100NoAttack: +15%
Ancient bastard sword +253200000216-3520100NoAttack: +30%
Ancient blade30000000111-1680576.9KNo-
Ancient blade +130000000127-193050NoAttack: +15%
Ancient blade +230000000144-218050NoAttack: +30%
Ancient blade +330000000166-252050NoAttack: +50%
Ancient morningstar2600020600-080No-
Ancient morningstar +12600020600-080NoAttack: +15%
Ancient morningstar +22600020600-080NoAttack: +30%
Ancient morningstar +32600020600-080NoAttack: +50%
Ancient scimitar45900000141-226080No-
Ancient scimitar +145900000162-260080NoAttack: +15%
Ancient scimitar +245900000183-294080NoAttack: +30%
Ancient two-handed sword59000000211-3490120No-
Ancient two-handed sword +159000000243-4010120NoAttack: +15%
Ancient two-handed sword +259000000274-4540120NoAttack: +30%
Ancient two-handed sword +359000000317-5240120NoAttack: +50%
Ancient broad axe59000000282-4660160No-
Ancient broad axe +159000000324-5350160NoAttack: +15%
Ancient broad axe +259000000366-6050160NoAttack: +30%
Ancient broad axe +359000000423-6990160NoAttack: +50%
Wooden club0000002-4089No-
Wooden club +10000002-50819NoAttack: +15%
Wooden club +20000002-50829NoAttack: +30%
Wooden club +30000003-60838NoAttack: +50%
Steel-reinforced club30003400-08787No-
Steel-reinforced club +130003400-081.57KNoAttack: +15%
Steel-reinforced club +230003400-082.36KNoAttack: +30%
Steel-reinforced warhammer40004100-091.76KNo-
Steel-reinforced warhammer +140004100-093.51KNoAttack: +15%
Steel-reinforced warhammer +240004100-095.27KNoAttack: +30%
Steel-reinforced warhammer +340004100-097.02KNoAttack: +50%
Flail of stability4000410024-25071.76KNoAttack: 10
Morningstar of the Sun1400020100-0732.53KNoWisdom: 10
Dark Resist: 10
Light Power: 10
Skraugbashor mace28002525200101-1530810.28KNo-

Magic Weapons

Windslash1800000098-150080NoAttack: +30%
Crimson bastard sword1500000091-1380100NoAttack: +30%
Tempest25000000130-197080NoAttack: +30%
Soul of Flare35000000216-3370120NoAttack: +30%
Ice blade9500030035-57096.4KNo-
Tidal blade1100000058-90050NoAttack: +30%
Frost wakizashi24000000111-169060NoAttack: +30%

Mage Weapons

Necroscopes staff of impending death000000-080NoIntelligence: 20
Wooden staff0000002-4089No-
Wooden staff +10000002-50819NoAttack: +15%
Wooden staff +20000002-50829NoAttack: +30%
Iron staff120002105-9010130No-
Iron staff +1120002105-10010261NoAttack: +15%
Iron staff +2120002106-11010392NoAttack: +30%
Quarterstaff +1130003009-15010779NoAttack: +15%
Quarterstaff +21300030010-170101.17KNoAttack: +30%
Staff of thorns1400039011-18011787No-
Staff of thorns +11400039012-200111.57KNoAttack: +15%
Staff of thorns +21400039014-230112.36KNoAttack: +30%
Bo +11500047016-250112.64KNoAttack: +15%
Bo +21500047018-290113.97KNoAttack: +30%
Rang-kwan +11600056019-310103.99KNoAttack: +15%
Rang-kwan +21600056022-350105.99KNoAttack: +30%
Tetsubo +11700068024-370106.22KNoAttack: +15%
Tetsubo +21700068027-420109.32KNoAttack: +30%
Staff of Hope11000131230-01059.11KNoLight Power: 20
Attack: +30%
Staff of submission000000-000Yes-
Gnarled walking stick1700068021-330103.11KNo-
Crowned staff of cleverness +1200015175035-550100NoAttack: +15%
Intelligence: 50
Cat-claw ornated staff20007373035-5501025.66KNoWater Power: 10
Earth: 10
Air Power: 10
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 10
Gloom staff20003583035-550105.74KNoDark Power: 10
Light Power: -10
Dark Resist: 10
Intelligence: 15
Crooked staff of vigor250020100032-500100NoStrength: 20
Endurance: 20
Emerald-topped staff of earthquakes250015178044-6701014.27KNo-
Drachenstaff0000135014-22020NoIntelligence: 50


Bracer of the Immortals000000-001No-
Bracelet of power00029240-111.19KNoStrength: 5
Attack: 5
Translucent wristband10050000300-1010NoAir Resist: 30
Earth Resist: -15
Fiery armband10050000300-1010NoFire Resist: 30
Water Resist: -15
Bracer of leaves10050000300-1010NoEarth Resist: 30
Air Resist: -15
Prismatic armband10050503030400-1010NoFire Resist: 10
Water Resist: 10
Air Resist: 10
Earth Resist: 10
Dark Resist: -20
Bracers of battle2502050450-0120.99KNoStrength: 10
Agility: 10
Endurance: 10
Attack: 25
Archery: 25
Armband of Vigor60050000-001NoAgility: 25
Strength: 25
Golden bracelet00024210-11883NoAgility: 2
Strength: 2
Orcish wristband035038320-525.25KNoAttack: 10
Dodge: 5
Archery: 10
Armlet of Flames000000-001No-
Sapphire bracelet00033330-021.6KNoWisdom: 7
Intelligence: 7
Cracked blue bracer10050000300-1010NoWater Resist: 30
Fire Resist: -15
Wristband of ogre strength00053400-024.75KNoStrength: 25


LevelNameHPACHit XPDeath XPGoldResistsMelee DamageSpellsDrops
1Bat2701211-1Air: 62
Dark: 93
Earth: 124
Fire: 93
Light: 5000
Water: 93
2-5-5.00% Torch
2.00% Light healing potion
1Brown rat2701211-1Air: 124
Dark: 93
Earth: 62
Fire: 93
Light: 5000
Water: 93
2-5-2.00% Torch
2Dungeon bat4102343-3Air: 61
Dark: 93
Earth: 123
Fire: 93
Light: 5000
Water: 93
2Green slime4132343-3Air: 61
Dark: 93
Earth: 123
Fire: 61
Light: 5000
Water: 123
2Large rat4102343-3Air: 123
Dark: 93
Earth: 61
Fire: 93
Light: 5000
Water: 93
3Decaying zombie5511465-5Air: 92
Dark: 5025
Earth: 92
Fire: 61
Light: 61
Water: 123
4-8-3.00% Torch
5.00% Light healing potion
3Giant bat5501465-5Air: 61
Dark: 92
Earth: 123
Fire: 92
Light: 5000
Water: 92
3Olin Haad guard5512465-5Air: 92
Dark: 61
Earth: 92
Fire: 92
Light: 5000
Water: 92
3Undead bat5501465-5Air: 61
Dark: 5025
Earth: 123
Fire: 61
Light: 61
Water: 123
4-8-5.00% Decaying Bat Wings
4Giant spider6902607-7Air: 122
Dark: 92
Earth: 61
Fire: 92
Light: 5000
Water: 92
4-10-5.00% Torch
5.00% Light healing potion
4Mummy6922607-7Air: 92
Dark: 5025
Earth: 92
Fire: 61
Light: 61
Water: 122
4-10-5.00% Torch
5.00% Light healing potion
4Olin Haad guard6922607-7Air: 92
Dark: 61
Earth: 92
Fire: 92
Light: 5000
Water: 92
4Skeleton6921597-7Air: 92
Dark: 5025
Earth: 92
Fire: 61
Light: 61
Water: 122
4-10-3.00% Leather gloves
1.00% Ring of confidence
2.00% Healing potion
3.00% Light healing potion
0.07% Skeleton bone
5Atrocity8421778-8Air: 91
Dark: 91
Earth: 91
Fire: 121
Light: 5000
Water: 60
5-12-3.00% Light healing potion
5.00% Light healing potion
0.50% Iron key
5Goblin8422778-8Air: 121
Dark: 91
Earth: 60
Fire: 91
Light: 5025
Water: 91
5-12-0.50% Goblin leather armor
1.00% Iron ring
6.00% Light healing potion
2.00% Healing potion
5Olin Haad guard8422778-8Air: 91
Dark: 60
Earth: 91
Fire: 91
Light: 5000
Water: 91
7Brigand1162211312-12Air: 90
Dark: 60
Earth: 90
Fire: 90
Light: 5000
Water: 90
6-15-1.00% Leather gloves
1.00% Leather pants
1.00% Leather Helmet
15.00% Light healing potion
1.00% Iron key
8Goblin scout1324213614-14Air: 120
Dark: 90
Earth: 60
Fire: 90
Light: 5025
Water: 90
7-17-0.40% Goblin leather armor
1.00% Leather belt
5.00% Light healing potion
1.00% Ring of light
1.00% Healing potion
8Organic waste1328213514-14Air: 60
Dark: 90
Earth: 120
Fire: 60
Light: 5000
Water: 120
8Tomb raider2643227228-28Air: 90
Dark: 60
Earth: 90
Fire: 90
Light: 5000
Water: 90
7-17-10.00% Torch
3.00% Leather pants
5.00% Dagger of Piercing
0.50% Iron key
10.00% Healing potion
5.00% Shimmering white robe
8Wandering orc1324213614-14Air: 120
Dark: 90
Earth: 60
Fire: 90
Light: 5000
Water: 90
7-17-1.00% Studded leather armor
1.00% Studded leather pants
1.00% Studded leather helmet
2.00% Light healing potion
0.05% Flail of stability
9Orc scout1484215716-16Air: 119
Dark: 89
Earth: 59
Fire: 89
Light: 5000
Water: 89
8-18-0.40% Studded leather armor
0.30% Studded leather pants
1.00% Studded leather helmet
10Olin Haad soldier1645218417-17Air: 89
Dark: 59
Earth: 89
Fire: 89
Light: 5000
Water: 89
10Poisonous snake1645218417-17Air: 89
Dark: 89
Earth: 89
Fire: 118
Light: 5000
Water: 59
11Dark spider1810221019-19Air: 118
Dark: 88
Earth: 59
Fire: 88
Light: 5000
Water: 88
9-22-4.00% Vial of Spider Venom
11Scavenger bat1810221019-19Air: 59
Dark: 88
Earth: 118
Fire: 88
Light: 5000
Water: 88
12Cursed being1996223521-21Air: 88
Dark: 88
Earth: 88
Fire: 117
Light: 5000
Water: 58
10-23-0.30% Diamond necklace
4.00% Leather belt
5.00% Iron ring
12Giant wasp1990223721-21Air: 58
Dark: 88
Earth: 117
Fire: 88
Light: 5000
Water: 88
10-23Mob poison arrow spell1.00% Wasp wax
12Goblin warrior1996223521-21Air: 117
Dark: 88
Earth: 58
Fire: 88
Light: 5025
Water: 88
10-23-0.40% Goblin Blade
2.00% Light healing potion
0.50% Iron key
12Graax3986247142-42Air: 88
Dark: 88
Earth: 88
Fire: 117
Light: 5000
Water: 58
10-23-5.00% Rusted long sword
6.00% Light healing potion
5.00% Mana elixir
4.00% Ring of light
4.00% Leather belt
12Guurk3986246042-42Air: 88
Dark: 88
Earth: 88
Fire: 117
Light: 5000
Water: 58
8-23Mob ice shard spell
Mob lightning bolt spell
5.00% Potion of mana
5.00% Mana elixir
4.00% Leather belt
12Olin Haad soldier1996223521-21Air: 88
Dark: 58
Earth: 88
Fire: 88
Light: 5000
Water: 88
12Orc warrior1996223521-21Air: 117
Dark: 88
Earth: 58
Fire: 88
Light: 5000
Water: 88
10-23-1.00% Feather
0.30% Leather armor
0.90% Studded leather helmet
0.08% Dagger of Piercing
1.00% Iron key
1.00% Healing potion
13Psi-monk21510326923-23Air: 87
Dark: 116
Earth: 87
Fire: 87
Light: 5000
Water: 87
12-25-2.00% Light healing potion
2.00% Monk white sash
3.00% Rang kwan
1.00% Shimmering white robe
13Psykowasp scout2176226723-23Air: 58
Dark: 87
Earth: 116
Fire: 87
Light: 5000
Water: 87
11-25-0.30% Psykowasp nectar
13Scar-face Razek4346253446-46Air: 87
Dark: 58
Earth: 87
Fire: 87
Light: 5000
Water: 87
11-25-5.00% Healing potion
4.00% Polished long sword
4.00% Studded leather armor
3.00% Studded leather boots
3.00% Studded leather gloves
3.00% Studded leather pants
13Skeleton guardian2176226723-23Air: 87
Dark: 5025
Earth: 87
Fire: 58
Light: 58
Water: 116
11-25Mob ice shard spell2.00% Leather belt
0.70% Iron key
2.00% Healing potion
0.08% Skeleton bone
13Wizard mummy2176226723-23Air: 87
Dark: 5025
Earth: 87
Fire: 58
Light: 58
Water: 116
11-25Mob lightning bolt spell5.00% Torch
14Animated corpse2357330225-25Air: 87
Dark: 5025
Earth: 87
Fire: 58
Light: 58
Water: 116
12-27-1.00% Ring of confidence
0.30% Skeleton bone
14Assassin2355330225-25Air: 87
Dark: 58
Earth: 87
Fire: 87
Light: 5000
Water: 87
12-27-5.00% Light healing potion
0.05% Golden ring
14Kraanian worker2357330225-25Air: 116
Dark: 87
Earth: 58
Fire: 87
Light: 5000
Water: 87
12-27Mob poison arrow spell-
14Plague rat2350330325-25Air: 116
Dark: 87
Earth: 58
Fire: 87
Light: 5000
Water: 87
14Psykowasp feeder2005332925-25Air: 58
Dark: 87
Earth: 116
Fire: 87
Light: 5000
Water: 87
12-36Mob poison arrow spell
Mob shadow whispers spell
5.00% Feeder eyes
0.30% Psykowasp nectar
15Corrupted goblin2547333726-26Air: 115
Dark: 86
Earth: 57
Fire: 86
Light: 5025
Water: 86
15Faith warrior2445336226-26Air: 86
Dark: 115
Earth: 86
Fire: 86
Light: 5000
Water: 86
14-36-1.00% Sword of Light
2.00% Light healing potion
1.00% Studded leather armor
1.00% Studded leather pants
2.00% Potion of fury
15Goblin bomberman2547333726-26Air: 115
Dark: 86
Earth: 57
Fire: 86
Light: 5025
Water: 86
13-29Mob spell kamikaze bomb-
15Goblin subchief2547333726-26Air: 115
Dark: 86
Earth: 57
Fire: 86
Light: 5025
Water: 86
13-29-0.80% Ringmail armor
2.00% Potion of mana
1.00% Leather belt
5.00% Light healing potion
0.50% Flask of Goblin Blood
15Mad patient2547000-0Air: 86
Dark: 57
Earth: 86
Fire: 86
Light: 5000
Water: 86
13-29-10.00% A3 Permit
20.00% E5 Permit
15Orc shaman2547333726-26Air: 115
Dark: 86
Earth: 57
Fire: 86
Light: 5000
Water: 86
13-29Mob stone shard spell
Mob lightning bolt spell
1.00% Feather
0.50% Iron ring
1.00% Light healing potion
1.00% Potion of mana
2.00% Woodland robe
15Psykowasp warrior2547333726-26Air: 56
Dark: 86
Earth: 115
Fire: 86
Light: 5000
Water: 86
13-29-0.40% Psykowasp nectar
15Ruk the miner5087367452-52Air: 115
Dark: 86
Earth: 57
Fire: 86
Light: 5025
Water: 86
13-29Mob ice shard spell
Mob stone shard spell
Mob lightning bolt spell
Mob heal serious spell
5.00% Golden ring
5.00% Goblin leather armor
5.00% Goblin Blade
15Skeleton warrior2547333726-26Air: 86
Dark: 5025
Earth: 86
Fire: 57
Light: 57
Water: 115
13-29-1.00% Rusted long sword
5.00% Leather belt
3.00% Healing potion
0.09% Skeleton bone
16Raider2746337728-28Air: 86
Dark: 57
Earth: 86
Fire: 86
Light: 5000
Water: 86
14-31-0.60% Ringmail armor
1.00% Leather boots
8.00% Iron key
2.00% Healing potion
17Kraanian flyer2930341330-30Air: 57
Dark: 86
Earth: 114
Fire: 86
Light: 5000
Water: 86
14-33Mob poison arrow spell-
17Loon2938000-0Air: 86
Dark: 57
Earth: 86
Fire: 86
Light: 5000
Water: 86
14-33-15.00% D4 Permit
20.00% H2 Permit
17Taintscale2938341030-30Air: 86
Dark: 86
Earth: 86
Fire: 114
Light: 5000
Water: 57
14-33Mob drain life spell
Mob third max hp poison
18Bonedead6269390764-64Air: 85
Dark: 5025
Earth: 85
Fire: 56
Light: 56
Water: 113
15-35Mob ice shard spell
Mob drain life spell
2.00% Potion of mana
5.00% Mana elixir
2.00% Light healing potion
10.00% Potion of fury
1.00% Amulet of dodging
18Crazed nurse3139000-0Air: 0
Dark: 0
Earth: 0
Fire: 0
Light: 0
Water: 0
--5.00% J1 Permit
20.00% B1 Permit
18Goblin Chieftain3139345332-32Air: 113
Dark: 85
Earth: 56
Fire: 85
Light: 5025
Water: 85
15-35-1.00% Feather
0.50% Flask of Goblin Blood
0.90% Iron key
0.05% Ringmail armor
0.05% Ringmail leggings
0.05% Ringmail helmet
18Kraanian millipede3139345332-32Air: 113
Dark: 85
Earth: 56
Fire: 85
Light: 5000
Water: 85
15-35-2.00% Kraanian egg
18Mrish Yellowblood6269390764-64Air: 113
Dark: 85
Earth: 56
Fire: 85
Light: 5025
Water: 85
15-35-2.00% Studded leather armor
3.00% Studded leather pants
3.00% Studded leather boots
4.00% Ringmail gauntlets
4.00% Ringmail boots
3.00% Goblin Blade
4.00% Ring of the bear
5.00% Round shield
3.00% Healing potion
4.00% Red cape
18Psykowasp trooper3139345332-32Air: 56
Dark: 85
Earth: 113
Fire: 85
Light: 5000
Water: 85
15-35-0.50% Psykowasp nectar
18Templar3139345332-32Air: 85
Dark: 113
Earth: 85
Fire: 85
Light: 5000
Water: 85
15-35-1.00% Templar ring
1.00% Polished short sword
2.00% Iron ring
19Defiler3349349634-34Air: 85
Dark: 85
Earth: 85
Fire: 113
Light: 5000
Water: 56
16-37Mob third max hp poison
Mob drain life spell
19Goblin warchief3349349734-34Air: 113
Dark: 85
Earth: 56
Fire: 85
Light: 5025
Water: 85
16-37-1.00% Feather
0.10% Golden ring
0.05% Bracelet of power
0.70% Iron key
0.05% Ringmail armor
0.05% Ringmail leggings
0.05% Ringmail helmet
0.50% Flask of Goblin Blood
19Trish Yellowblood6689399468-68Air: 113
Dark: 85
Earth: 56
Fire: 85
Light: 5025
Water: 85
16-37-2.00% Studded leather armor
3.00% Studded leather pants
3.00% Studded leather boots
4.00% Ringmail gauntlets
4.00% Ringmail boots
3.00% Goblin Blade
4.00% Ring of the bear
20Antelope35310000-0Air: 56
Dark: 56
Earth: 56
Fire: 56
Light: 5000
Water: 56
--20.00% Antelope skin
20Fugar the smelly7061031.09K70-70Air: 112
Dark: 84
Earth: 56
Fire: 84
Light: 5025
Water: 84
17-39-2.00% Studded leather armor
3.00% Studded leather gloves
3.00% Studded leather pants
3.00% Studded leather helmet
3.00% Studded leather boots
2.00% Goblin Blade
2.00% Light healing potion
2.00% Light healing potion
5.00% Torch
20Goblin warlord35310354335-35Air: 112
Dark: 84
Earth: 56
Fire: 84
Light: 5025
Water: 84
17-39-2.00% Sword of fury
0.50% Flask of Goblin Blood
0.05% Ringmail armor
0.05% Ringmail leggings
0.05% Ringmail helmet
20Brigand35310354335-35Air: 84
Dark: 56
Earth: 84
Fire: 84
Light: 5000
Water: 84
20Paladin35310354335-35Air: 84
Dark: 112
Earth: 84
Fire: 84
Light: 5000
Water: 84
17-39-1.00% Sword of Light
2.00% Healing potion
2.00% Potion of partial protection from evil
1.00% Polished short sword
21Fallen warrior37410359037-37Air: 84
Dark: 5025
Earth: 84
Fire: 55
Light: 55
Water: 111
18-41-10.00% Corrupt heart
21Orc deserter37410359037-37Air: 111
Dark: 84
Earth: 55
Fire: 84
Light: 5000
Water: 84
18-41-2.00% Light healing potion
3.00% Healing potion
0.50% Orcish shield
1.00% Ring of the bear
2.00% Potion of mana
0.01% Flask of crystal water
22Battle bard39611364139-39Air: 83
Dark: 111
Earth: 83
Fire: 83
Light: 5000
Water: 83
19-43-1.00% Rusted long sword
1.00% Leather armor
1.00% Leather boots
1.00% Leather pants
22Demon tree39611364139-39Air: 111
Dark: 111
Earth: 111
Fire: 111
Light: 5000
Water: 111
19-43Mob poison arrow spell
Mob lightning bolt spell
Mob lightning bolt spell
2.00% Light healing potion
3.00% Healing potion
0.50% Red gem
5.00% Demon Tree Leaf
5.00% Demon tree wood
23Blackguard4188370041-41Air: 83
Dark: 55
Earth: 83
Fire: 83
Light: 5000
Water: 83
20-46-2.00% Light healing potion
2.00% Healing potion
1.00% Ring of the bear
0.50% Yellow gem
0.30% Golden chalice
0.50% Fine steel short sword
23Corrupt adept41811369941-41Air: 110
Dark: 83
Earth: 55
Fire: 83
Light: 5000
Water: 83
23Rogue mage4188370041-41Air: 83
Dark: 110
Earth: 83
Fire: 83
Light: 5000
Water: 83
20-46Mob fire bolt spell
Mob stone shard spell
2.00% Light healing potion
3.00% Mana elixir
1.00% Ring of the bear
0.50% Green gem
0.05% Pouch of Woody Nightshade
0.10% Pouch of Witch Hazel
0.05% Golden chalice
23Roshnak Tul8421131.35K82-82Air: 110
Dark: 83
Earth: 55
Fire: 83
Light: 5000
Water: 83
20-40Mob fire bolt spell
Mob ice shard spell
Mob fire shield spell
7.00% Pouch of yellow powder
0.70% Ringmail armor
1.00% Ringmail gauntlets
1.00% Ringmail helmet
1.00% Ringmail leggings
0.20% Crude orcish necklace
1.00% Ringmail boots
3.00% Mana elixir
2.00% Healing potion
24Dune raider44012375443-43Air: 82
Dark: 55
Earth: 82
Fire: 82
Light: 5000
Water: 82
21-48-2.00% Light healing potion
1.00% Flask of crystal water
1.00% Ring of the bear
1.00% Chaos Sword
24Nightbreed4400375943-43Air: 55
Dark: 82
Earth: 110
Fire: 82
Light: 5000
Water: 82
21-48Mob stone shard spell
Mob lightning bolt spell
25ArafKul9261241.62K88-88Air: 109
Dark: 82
Earth: 54
Fire: 82
Light: 5000
Water: 82
22-50Mob fire bolt spell
Mob fire shield spell
10.00% Leaf of a pink tree
7.00% human bone
18.00% Pouch of yellow powder
10.00% Light healing potion
25Corrupt follower46312381044-44Air: 54
Dark: 82
Earth: 109
Fire: 82
Light: 5000
Water: 82
25Olin Haad private guard46312481044-44Air: 82
Dark: 54
Earth: 82
Fire: 82
Light: 5000
Water: 82
25Psykowasp commander46312481044-44Air: 54
Dark: 82
Earth: 109
Fire: 82
Light: 5000
Water: 82
22-50-0.70% Psykowasp nectar
27Giant scorpion51020493448-48Air: 81
Dark: 81
Earth: 81
Fire: 108
Light: 5000
Water: 54
24-55Mob poison arrow spell-
28Bugar pouchsnatcher1.07K1442.01K100-100Air: 80
Dark: 53
Earth: 80
Fire: 80
Light: 5000
Water: 80
25-58Mob heal serious spell3.00% Red cape
2.00% Bracelet of power
0.10% Fine steel scimitar
28Sand worm5332041K50-50Air: 80
Dark: 80
Earth: 80
Fire: 107
Light: 5000
Water: 53
29Flesh eater5581441.07K52-52Air: 80
Dark: 5025
Earth: 80
Fire: 53
Light: 53
Water: 106
26-60Mob drain life spell2.00% Light healing potion
3.00% Healing potion
2.00% Potion of mana
2.00% Mummy bandages
30Count Hemogoblin1.16K1542.31K106-106Air: 106
Dark: 5025
Earth: 53
Fire: 53
Light: 53
Water: 106
28-63Mob ice shard spell
Mob drain life spell
Mob freeze spell
8.00% Red cape
3.00% Potion of mana
5.00% Manastone
4.00% Light healing potion
5.00% Flask of Goblin Blood
3.00% Goblin Blade
0.75% Skeleton bone
30Doom guard5811541.15K53-53Air: 79
Dark: 5025
Earth: 79
Fire: 53
Light: 53
Water: 106
28-63Mob ice shard spell
Mob drain life spell
2.00% Light healing potion
3.00% Potion of mana
1.00% Potion of fury
0.10% Skeleton bone
2.00% Pouch of Black Snakeroot
0.80% Skeleton bone
30Drain rat6312531.05K53-53Air: 106
Dark: 79
Earth: 53
Fire: 79
Light: 5000
Water: 79
28-43Mob no magic zone spell0.40% Ring of the forester
0.50% Drachenstaff
2.00% Raindrop
1.00% Scroll of minor combat sense
2.00% Light healing potion
30Eye-patched Qardos1.16K842.31K106-106Air: 79
Dark: 53
Earth: 79
Fire: 79
Light: 5000
Water: 79
28-63Mob heal serious spell6.00% Rhodar hammer
0.80% Flask of crystal water
30Gorben the mad1.68K1832.93K106-106Air: 106
Dark: 79
Earth: 53
Fire: 79
Light: 5025
Water: 79
50-77Mob ice shard spell0.05% Golden ring
10.00% Light healing potion
0.05% Ringmail armor
0.05% Ringmail leggings
0.05% Ringmail helmet
30Burly jailkeeper5811541.15K53-53Air: 79
Dark: 53
Earth: 79
Fire: 79
Light: 5000
Water: 79
28-63-2.00% Light healing potion
5.00% Rusted long sword
30Minotaur warrior5811541.15K53-53Air: 106
Dark: 79
Earth: 53
Fire: 79
Light: 5000
Water: 79
28-63-2.00% Light healing potion
2.00% Healing potion
1.00% Potion of fury
1.00% Ring of the bear
0.80% Blue gem
0.10% Flask of crystal water
0.80% Dead Fishes
1.00% Flask of bluish liquid
30Olin Haad sentry5811541.15K53-53Air: 79
Dark: 53
Earth: 79
Fire: 79
Light: 5000
Water: 79
30Taunting Horror5811541.15K53-53Air: 53
Dark: 79
Earth: 106
Fire: 79
Light: 5000
Water: 79
28-63-2.00% Light healing potion
2.00% Torch
1.00% Sapphire bracelet
2.00% Potion of fury
1.00% Potion of mana
30T-Bone1.16K1542.31K106-106Air: 79
Dark: 5025
Earth: 79
Fire: 53
Light: 53
Water: 106
28-63Mob ice shard spell
Mob drain life spell
0.20% Ringmail helmet
0.10% Ringmail armor
0.20% Ringmail boots
0.20% Ringmail leggings
0.10% Polished broadsword
1.00% Mana elixir
1.00% Ring of the bear
1.00% Skeleton bone
31Tarantula606541.24K55-55Air: 105
Dark: 79
Earth: 52
Fire: 79
Light: 5000
Water: 79
29-66-3.00% Tarantula eyes
32Deep One6311641.31K57-57Air: 78
Dark: 78
Earth: 78
Fire: 105
Light: 5000
Water: 52
30-69-2.00% Light healing potion
5.00% Potion of fury
32Orc berserker6311641.31K57-57Air: 105
Dark: 78
Earth: 52
Fire: 78
Light: 5000
Water: 78
30-69-2.00% Light healing potion
0.50% Orcish shield
0.01% Flask of crystal water
1.00% Potion of fury
0.30% Ringmail helmet
0.20% Ringmail armor
0.35% Ringmail boots
0.30% Ringmail leggings
1.00% Potion of Heroism
33Cobra657641.39K59-59Air: 78
Dark: 78
Earth: 78
Fire: 104
Light: 5000
Water: 52
31-71Mob poison arrow spell-
33Death stinger657041.39K59-59Air: 52
Dark: 78
Earth: 104
Fire: 78
Light: 5000
Water: 78
31-71Mob poison arrow spell20.00% Wasp wax
34Illusion weaver916204.331480.3661-187Air: 78
Dark: 103
Earth: 78
Fire: 78
Light: 5000
Water: 78
33-74Mob stone shard spell
Mob drain life spell
2.0% Potion of Mana
5.0% Healing Potion
1.0% Ring of Confidence
1.0% Sapphire Bracelet
0.2% Conjurer's Mantle
34Orc battlemage6841741.48K61-61Air: 103
Dark: 78
Earth: 51
Fire: 78
Light: 5000
Water: 78
33-74Mob lightning bolt spell
Mob ice shard spell
Mob heal serious spell
2.00% Light healing potion
4.00% Mana elixir
2.00% Polished long sword
1.00% Pouch of Woody Nightshade
0.80% Pouch of Witch Hazel
1.00% Potion of Heroism
35Failed summon7103541.57K62-62Air: 51
Dark: 77
Earth: 103
Fire: 51
Light: 5000
Water: 103
35Griroesh100010-0Air: 103
Dark: 103
Earth: 103
Fire: 103
Light: 5000
Water: 103
34-78Mob fireball spell-
35Griroesh7101741.58K62-62Air: 103
Dark: 103
Earth: 103
Fire: 103
Light: 5000
Water: 103
34-78Mob fireball spell1.00% Ring of confidence
1.00% Ring of darkness
1.00% Iron ring
1.00% Demon skull
0.10% Bracelet of power
2.00% Dark key
5.00% Healing potion
35Grudish Earchewer1.42K1743.15K124-124Air: 103
Dark: 77
Earth: 51
Fire: 77
Light: 5000
Water: 77
34-78-4.00% Potion of fury
3.00% Serious healing potion
1.00% Polished hand axe
35Minotaur chieftain7101741.58K62-62Air: 103
Dark: 77
Earth: 51
Fire: 77
Light: 5000
Water: 77
34-78Mob ice shard spell
Mob drain life spell
0.80% Potion of fury
2.00% Light healing potion
2.00% Potion of mana
1.00% Fine steel long sword
1.00% Pouch of Blue Cohosh
0.50% Minotaur clan ring
1.00% Flask of bluish liquid
2.00% Potion of mana
1.00% Wooden shield
35Nightblade7101741.58K62-62Air: 77
Dark: 51
Earth: 77
Fire: 77
Light: 5000
Water: 77
34-78Mob fire bolt spell
Mob ice shard spell
Mob heal serious spell
2.00% Light healing potion
2.00% Potion of mana
1.00% Polished short sword
1.00% Pouch of Blue Cohosh
0.80% Golden chalice
35Quelet Hon the thirsty1.42K1343.15K124-124Air: 77
Dark: 5025
Earth: 77
Fire: 51
Light: 51
Water: 103
34-78Mob drain life spell
Mob freeze spell
Mob lightning bolt spell
2.00% Skeleton bone
2.00% Mana elixir
35Wererat710041.58K62-62Air: 103
Dark: 79
Earth: 51
Fire: 77
Light: 5000
Water: 77
36Acid slime7373541.67K64-64Air: 51
Dark: 77
Earth: 102
Fire: 51
Light: 5000
Water: 102
36-81Mob poison arrow spell-
37Liedric Throatcutter1.53K1253.52K132-132Air: 77
Dark: 103
Earth: 77
Fire: 77
Light: 5000
Water: 77
35-84Mob lightning bolt spell
Mob ice shard spell
Mob heal serious spell
Mob stone shard spell
10.00% Golden chalice
5.00% Critical healing potion
3.00% Pouch of Blue Cohosh
2.00% Polished hand axe
37Skrull7651893.54K132-132Air: 76
Dark: 5025
Earth: 76
Fire: 50
Light: 50
Water: 101
37-84Mob fire bolt spell
Mob ice shard spell
0.20% Ringmail armor
0.35% Ringmail boots
0.30% Ringmail leggings
2.00% Potion of mana
2.00% Light healing potion
1.00% Skeleton bone
38Bend Hayjes the rotten1.62K1553.75K136-136Air: 76
Dark: 5025
Earth: 76
Fire: 50
Light: 50
Water: 101
39-87Mob drain life spell
Mob freeze spell
Mob lightning bolt spell
5.00% Mummy bandages
5.00% Mana elixir
38Blaarg Toemangler1.58K1953.73K136-136Air: 101
Dark: 76
Earth: 50
Fire: 76
Light: 5000
Water: 76
38-87Mob lightning bolt spell
Mob ice shard spell
Mob heal serious spell
1.00% Rusted hand axe
5.00% Human foot
5.00% Orcish shield
38Minotaur shaman7921951.86K68-68Air: 101
Dark: 76
Earth: 50
Fire: 76
Light: 5000
Water: 76
38-87Mob lightning bolt spell
Mob ice shard spell
Mob fire bolt spell
2.00% Light healing potion
3.00% Manastone
1.00% Sapphire bracelet
1.00% Dead Fishes
3.00% Pouch of Blue Cohosh
2.00% Pouch of Black Snakeroot
1.00% Pouch of Woody Nightshade
0.20% Rune etched robe of protection
38Vampire bat792051.87K68-68Air: 50
Dark: 5025
Earth: 101
Fire: 50
Light: 50
Water: 101
38-87Mob drain life spell4.00% Vampire bat wings
39Death Jester1.64K1953.96K140-140Air: 75
Dark: 5025
Earth: 75
Fire: 50
Light: 50
Water: 100
40-91Mob drain life spell
Mob ice shard spell
5.00% Healing potion
1.00% Polished broadsword
3.00% Round shield
100.00% Death Jester Skull
1.00% Crown of the Jester
1.00% Skeleton bone
1.00% Pouch of Witch Hazel
50.00% Magical lute
39Thadoss the moaner1.64K1953.96K140-140Air: 75
Dark: 5025
Earth: 75
Fire: 50
Light: 50
Water: 100
40-91Mob drain life spell
Mob freeze spell
Mob lightning bolt spell
4.00% Manastone
40Death Chosen8472052.09K71-71Air: 75
Dark: 5025
Earth: 75
Fire: 50
Light: 50
Water: 100
42-94Mob drain life spell2.00% Gleaming shard
5.00% Potion of fury
1.00% Red cape
1.00% Defender
1.00% Stone key
0.10% Skeleton bone
0.02% Scalemail leggings
0.02% Scalemail gauntlets
40Grott1.69K1554.17K142-142Air: 75
Dark: 75
Earth: 75
Fire: 75
Light: 5000
Water: 75
40-95Mob lightning bolt spell
Mob ice shard spell
Mob heal serious spell
7.00% Shaman mantle
5.00% Jade ring of sorcery
4.00% Mana elixir
3.00% Manastone
4.00% Serious healing potion
3.00% Flask of crystal water
40Headsmasher1.69K2054.18K142-142Air: 100
Dark: 75
Earth: 50
Fire: 75
Light: 5000
Water: 75
42-94-5.00% Mana elixir
2.00% Potion of mana
1.00% Potion of fury
0.10% Fine steel short sword
1.00% Sapphire bracelet
40Nightcreeper8472052.09K71-71Air: 75
Dark: 50
Earth: 75
Fire: 75
Light: 5000
Water: 75
42-94Mob shadow whispers spell
Mob true invisibility spell
Mob stone shard spell
3.00% Ring of the rogue
3.00% Serious healing potion
0.10% Elven leather armor
0.10% Elven leather belt
0.10% Elven leather boots
0.10% Elven leather gloves
0.10% Elven leather helmet
0.10% Elven leather leggings
2.00% Dagger of bleeding
4.00% Villain skull
2.00% Rough malachite
0.10% Rough limestone
0.50% Hickory recurve bow
0.30% Cord of treachery
0.40% Rough emerald
1.00% Flask of crystal water
40Orc guardian8472052.09K71-71Air: 100
Dark: 75
Earth: 50
Fire: 75
Light: 5000
Water: 75
42-94-2.00% Light healing potion
2.00% Potion of mana
1.00% Sapphire bracelet
0.70% Orcish shield
2.00% Potion of fury
1.00% Stone key
0.05% Fine steel scimitar
1.00% Pouch of Woody Nightshade
40Pack wolf8472052.09K71-71Air: 75
Dark: 50
Earth: 75
Fire: 75
Light: 5000
Water: 75
42-94-2.00% Rough amethyst
0.40% Rough sapphire
0.10% Rough aquamarine
0.05% Finely cut aquamarine
0.20% Finely cut sapphire
1.00% Finely cut amethyst
40Ratsputin the wererat84710104.19K142-142Air: 100
Dark: 75
Earth: 50
Fire: 75
Light: 5000
Water: 75
42-94Mob fire bolt spell4.00% Potion of mana
0.50% Dead Fishes
40Sandlord1.69K2054.18K142-142Air: 75
Dark: 75
Earth: 75
Fire: 100
Light: 5000
Water: 50
40Wasp drone8472052.09K71-71Air: 50
Dark: 75
Earth: 100
Fire: 75
Light: 5000
Water: 75
42-94Mob poison arrow spell0.50% Wasp wax
2.00% Rough malachite
0.10% Rough limestone
1.00% Finely cut malachite
0.20% Finely cut emerald
0.05% Finely cut limestone
0.40% Rough emerald
41Broken One8762052.2K73-73Air: 74
Dark: 5025
Earth: 74
Fire: 49
Light: 49
Water: 99
43-98Mob drain life spell
Mob ice shard spell
2.00% Gleaming shard
41Hoofcrusher1.75K2054.41K146-146Air: 99
Dark: 74
Earth: 49
Fire: 74
Light: 5000
Water: 74
43-98-2.00% Manastone
2.00% Light healing potion
5.00% Healing potion
1.00% Sapphire bracelet
0.50% Minotaur clan ring
42Bulldaoza1.81K2154.66K150-150Air: 98
Dark: 74
Earth: 49
Fire: 74
Light: 5000
Water: 74
45-102-1.00% Potion of fury
2.00% Light healing potion
1.00% Skeleton bone
42Hurbag Nailripper1.81K2154.66K150-150Air: 98
Dark: 74
Earth: 49
Fire: 74
Light: 5000
Water: 74
45-102Mob fire bolt spell
Mob lightning bolt spell
Mob ice shard spell
Mob heal serious spell
Mob fire shield spell
5.00% Orcish shield
2.00% Rusted hand axe
4.00% Mana elixir
5.00% Serious healing potion
42Stinkbreath1.81K2154.66K150-150Air: 98
Dark: 74
Earth: 49
Fire: 74
Light: 5000
Water: 74
45-102Mob poison arrow spell
Mob fire bolt spell
5.00% Healing potion
5.00% Healing potion
2.00% Potion of fury
5.00% Potion of fury
0.25% Orcish shield
0.10% Polished long sword
43Crypt stalker9362152.44K77-77Air: 98
Dark: 73
Earth: 49
Fire: 73
Light: 0
Water: 73
44Bandaged horror9662252.57K79-79Air: 73
Dark: 5025
Earth: 73
Fire: 48
Light: 48
Water: 97
48-109-5.00% Potion of fury
3.00% Mummy bandages
2.00% Gleaming shard
45Pilferer9962252.71K80-80Air: 72
Dark: 48
Earth: 72
Fire: 72
Light: 5000
Water: 72
50-113Mob stone shard spell1.00% Serious healing potion
5.00% Villain skull
2.00% Dagger of bleeding
1.00% Lost Psalms of Artherk p1
1.00% Lost Psalms of Artherk p2
1.00% Lost Psalms of Artherk p3
1.00% Lost Psalms of Artherk p4
1.00% Lost Psalms of Artherk p5
0.10% Rough moonstone
0.40% Rough diamond
2.00% Rough agate
0.50% Hickory recurve bow
0.25% Flask of crystal water
1.00% Flask of crystal water
45Roaming corpse9962252.71K80-80Air: 72
Dark: 5025
Earth: 72
Fire: 48
Light: 48
Water: 96
46Roaming cadaver9962263K84-84Air: 71
Dark: 5025
Earth: 71
Fire: 47
Light: 47
Water: 95
46Skeleton warlock1.03K2362.86K82-82Air: 72
Dark: 5025
Earth: 72
Fire: 48
Light: 48
Water: 96
52-118Mob drain life spell
Mob freeze spell
Mob stone shard spell
Mob lightning bolt spell
2.00% Gleaming shard
2.00% Light healing potion
2.00% Manastone
5.00% Potion of fury
1.00% Red cape
1.00% Stone key
0.20% Skeleton bone
0.10% Garb of the dead
47Colony sentinel1.06K2363K84-84Air: 47
Dark: 71
Earth: 95
Fire: 71
Light: 5000
Water: 71
54-122Mob poison arrow spell
Mob petrification spell
0.50% Wasp wax
0.10% Rough aquamarine
0.40% Rough sapphire
2.00% Rough amethyst
0.05% Finely cut aquamarine
0.20% Finely cut sapphire
1.00% Finely cut amethyst
48Blood hound1.09K2463.15K86-86Air: 67
Dark: 67
Earth: 67
Fire: 67
Light: 5000
Water: 67
56-126Mob rabies spell
Mob regeneration spell
Mob drain life spell
5.00% Blackened iron key
2.00% Rough agate
0.40% Rough diamond
0.10% Rough moonstone
48Dark Axe2.18K2466.3K172-172Air: 71
Dark: 47
Earth: 71
Fire: 71
Light: 5000
Water: 71
56-126-5.00% Healing potion
5.00% Potion of fury
5.00% Red cape
0.50% Ringmail boots
0.50% Ringmail gauntlets
0.50% Ringmail helmet
0.20% Ringmail leggings
0.10% Ringmail armor
48Wolfhound1.09K2463.15K86-86Air: 71
Dark: 47
Earth: 71
Fire: 71
Light: 5000
Water: 71
56-126-0.10% Rough limestone
2.00% Rough malachite
0.40% Rough emerald
50Dark custodian1.15K7063.43K89-89Air: 93
Dark: 93
Earth: 93
Fire: 93
Light: 5000
Water: 93
60-135Mob stoneskin spell
Mob stone shard spell
Mob forest return to center spell
0.30% Drachensword
2.00% Serious healing potion
2.00% Mana elixir
1.00% Scroll of resist fire
1.00% Scroll of resist ice
1.00% Scroll of protection
50Drain spider1.15K2563.46K89-89Air: 93
Dark: 70
Earth: 46
Fire: 70
Light: 5000
Water: 70
60-135Mob poisonous bite spell
Mob fatigue spell
Mob forest return to center spell
Mob poison arrow spell
0.50% Drachenrobe
2.00% Bow of the Spiders
2.00% Raincloak
2.00% Mana elixir
2.00% Mana elixir
1.00% Scroll of orientation middle
50Night hunter1.15K2563.46K89-89Air: 70
Dark: 92
Earth: 70
Fire: 70
Light: 5000
Water: 70
60-135Mob drain life spell
Mob chilling touch spell
Mob armor melt spell
5.00% Blackened iron key
2.00% Rough amethyst
0.10% Rough aquamarine
0.40% Rough sapphire
5.00% Torch
5.00% Light healing potion
5.00% Potion of cure rabies
1.00% Potion of fury
1.00% Flask of crystal water
50Ribbon fiend1.15K2563.46K89-89Air: 84
Dark: 5025
Earth: 84
Fire: 56
Light: 70
Water: 112
60-135Mob poison arrow spell
Mob mind rot spell
Mob rotting fingers spell
Mob drain life spell
1.00% Mana elixir
0.10% Rough garnet
0.40% Rough ruby
2.00% Rough carnelian
0.50% Garb of the dead
0.50% Blackened iron key
50Unseen Bat1.15K2563.46K89-89Air: 46
Dark: 70
Earth: 93
Fire: 93
Light: 5000
Water: 46
60-135Mob disease spell
Mob fire bolt spell
Mob hide in shadows spell
Mob mana leak spell
Mob shadow whispers spell
2.00% Rough amethyst
0.10% Rough aquamarine
0.40% Rough sapphire
52Cave dweller1.22K2663.61K93-93Air: 69
Dark: 69
Earth: 69
Fire: 92
Light: 5000
Water: 46
59-133Mob fire bolt spell
Mob mudball spell
Mob power up spell
Mob stone shard spell
Mob throwing stones spell
0.40% Rough sapphire
0.10% Rough aquamarine
2.00% Rough amethyst
3.00% Manastone
3.00% Serious healing potion
3.00% Healing potion
1.00% Flask of crystal water
52Creeper1.22K2663.62K93-93Air: 69
Dark: 69
Earth: 69
Fire: 92
Light: 5000
Water: 46
52Howling terror1.22K2663.61K93-93Air: 55
Dark: 82
Earth: 111
Fire: 82
Light: 5000
Water: 82
59-133Mob poison arrow spell
Mob drain life spell
Mob rotting fingers spell
Mob chilling touch spell
0.10% Rough moonstone
0.40% Rough diamond
2.00% Rough agate
0.50% Blackened iron key
55Apparition1.32K2764.06K98-98Air: 68
Dark: 90
Earth: 68
Fire: 68
Light: 5000
Water: 68
55Chaos Spawn1.32K2764.06K98-98Air: 81
Dark: 81
Earth: 81
Fire: 108
Light: 5000
Water: 54
63-143Mob aggravation spell
Mob armor weakness spell
Mob call lightning spell
Mob fire bolt spell
4.00% Chaos key
3.00% Serious healing potion
0.50% Scale mail
1.00% High metal flail
2.00% Rough carnelian
0.40% Rough ruby
0.10% Rough garnet
0.50% Cracked blue bracer
55Dead Bolt2.64K2768.13K196-196Air: 68
Dark: 5025
Earth: 68
Fire: 45
Light: 45
Water: 90
63-143Mob lightning bolt spell
Mob drain life spell
5.00% Potion of fury
0.10% Plate boots
1.00% Skeleton bone
1.00% Pouch of Witch Hazel
55Foul muck1.32K2764.06K98-98Air: 54
Dark: 81
Earth: 108
Fire: 54
Light: 5000
Water: 108
63-143Mob mudball spell
Mob armor melt spell
Mob poison arrow spell
Mob quicksands spell
Mob desolidification spell
0.10% Rough aquamarine
0.40% Rough sapphire
2.00% Rough amethyst
55Hive defender1.32K2764.06K98-98Air: 45
Dark: 68
Earth: 90
Fire: 68
Light: 5000
Water: 68
63-143Mob poison arrow spell
Mob true invisibility spell
Mob poison spell
0.50% Wasp wax
2.00% Rough amethyst
0.40% Rough sapphire
0.10% Rough aquamarine
55Leprechaun1.32K2764.06K98-98Air: 108
Dark: 81
Earth: 54
Fire: 81
Light: 5000
Water: 81
63-143Mob drain life spell
Mob fairys night magic spell
Mob throwing stones spell
Mob true invisibility spell
1.00% Mana prism
1.00% Mana elixir
2.00% Rough malachite
0.10% Rough limestone
0.40% Rough emerald
0.50% Hickory compound bow
1.00% Flask of crystal water
55Worshipper1.32K2764.06K98-98Air: 68
Dark: 90
Earth: 68
Fire: 68
Light: 5000
Water: 68
63-143Mob stone shard spell-
55Zzartgax1.32K2768.13K196-196Air: 68
Dark: 68
Earth: 68
Fire: 68
Light: 5000
Water: 68
63-143Mob poison arrow spell
Mob drain life spell
56Skullfire1.36K28128.42K200-200Air: 67
Dark: 5025
Earth: 67
Fire: 45
Light: 45
Water: 90
64-106Mob drain life spell
Mob fire bolt spell
2.00% Torch
5.00% Potion of mana
2.00% Mana elixir
0.80% Pouch of Witch Hazel
0.70% Skeleton bone
56Warg1.36K2864.21K100-100Air: 67
Dark: 45
Earth: 67
Fire: 67
Light: 5000
Water: 67
64-146Mob regeneration spell
Mob rabies spell
0.10% Rough moonstone
0.40% Rough diamond
2.00% Rough agate
57Gremlin1.39K2864.39K102-102Air: 0
Dark: 80
Earth: 53
Fire: 80
Light: 5000
Water: 80
66-150Mob true invisibility spell
Mob fairys night magic spell
Mob drain life spell
Mob throwing stones spell
Mob shadow whispers spell
1.00% Mana elixir
2.00% Rough carnelian
0.40% Rough ruby
0.10% Rough garnet
0.50% Hickory compound bow
58Creeping sludge1.43K2964.54K104-104Air: 53
Dark: 79
Earth: 106
Fire: 106
Light: 5000
Water: 53
67-153Mob mudball spell
Mob quicksands spell
Mob stench spell
Mob drain life spell
2.00% Rough agate
0.40% Rough diamond
0.10% Rough moonstone
59Morlokk1.46K2964.71K106-106Air: 88
Dark: 66
Earth: 66
Fire: 66
Light: 5025
Water: 66
69-156Mob area healing self
Mob stone shard spell
Mob true invisibility spell
Mob stone spell
Mob mudball spell
Mob mana leak spell
2.00% Rough carnelian
0.10% Rough garnet
0.40% Rough ruby
1.00% Manastone
1.00% Mithril blade
2.00% Potion of clear thought
1.00% Flask of crystal water
60Acid zombie1.5K3074.87K107-107Air: 78
Dark: 5025
Earth: 78
Fire: 52
Light: 65
Water: 105
70-159Mob poison arrow spell
Mob drain life spell
Mob Foul Sickness spell
3.00% Serious healing potion
1.00% High metal long sword
2.00% Potion of fury
2.00% Potion of clear thought
2.00% Rough carnelian
0.40% Rough ruby
0.10% Rough garnet
1.00% Finely cut carnelian
0.20% Finely cut ruby
0.05% Finely cut garnet
60Arachnofiend1.5K3074.87K107-107Air: 87
Dark: 65
Earth: 43
Fire: 65
Light: 5000
Water: 65
70-159Mob poison spell
Mob poison arrow spell
Mob petrification spell
3.00% Tarantula fang
2.00% Rough amethyst
0.40% Rough sapphire
0.10% Rough aquamarine
3.00% Tarantula eyes
60Chaos demon1.5K3074.87K107-107Air: 87
Dark: 87
Earth: 87
Fire: 87
Light: 5000
Water: 87
60Darkness demon1.5K3074.87K107-107Air: 87
Dark: 87
Earth: 87
Fire: 87
Light: 5000
Water: 87
60Shadowfiend1.5K3074.87K107-107Air: 78
Dark: 105
Earth: 78
Fire: 78
Light: 5000
Water: 78
70-159Mob true invisibility spell
Mob manabane spell
Mob chilling touch spell
Mob fire bolt spell
Mob complete dispel spell
Mob shadow whispers spell
3.00% Polished bone key
1.00% Manastone
1.00% Mithril chainmail boots
0.50% Mithril chainmail armor
1.00% Mithril chainmail gauntlets
1.00% Mithril chainmail girdle
1.00% Mithril chainmail helmet
1.00% Mithril chainmail leggings
0.10% Adamantite blade
0.10% Rough moonstone
0.40% Rough diamond
2.00% Rough agate
1.00% Finely cut agate
0.20% Finely cut diamond
0.05% Finely cut moonstone
60Terror demon1.5K3074.87K107-107Air: 87
Dark: 87
Earth: 87
Fire: 87
Light: 5000
Water: 87
60Yoggoth worm1.5K3074.87K107-107Air: 78
Dark: 78
Earth: 78
Fire: 105
Light: 5000
Water: 52
70-159Mob poison arrow spell
Mob poison arrow spell
Mob terror spell
2.00% Rough amethyst
0.40% Rough sapphire
0.10% Rough aquamarine
1.00% Finely cut amethyst
0.20% Finely cut sapphire
0.05% Finely cut moonstone
62Berserker rat1.57K3175.22K111-111Air: 103
Dark: 77
Earth: 51
Fire: 77
Light: 5000
Water: 77
73-166Mob rabies spell
Mob rat lice spell
Mob firefang spell
5.00% Potion of nimbleness
2.00% Rough agate
0.40% Rough diamond
0.10% Rough moonstone
62Bone demon1.57K3175.22K111-111Air: 77
Dark: 5025
Earth: 77
Fire: 51
Light: 64
Water: 103
73-166Mob aggravation spell
Mob ice shard spell
Mob poison arrow spell
1.00% Mana elixir
1.00% Mithril blade 1
0.50% Scale mail
1.00% Scalemail boots
1.00% Scalemail gauntlets
1.00% Scalemail helmet
0.50% Scalemail leggings
1.00% Scalemail protector
2.00% Rough malachite
0.10% Rough limestone
0.40% Rough emerald
65Crypt custodian1.68K3275.78K116-116Air: 68
Dark: 5025
Earth: 68
Fire: 68
Light: 100
Water: 68
78-176Mob peaceful night spell
Mob custodians word spell
Mob might of the custodian spell
Mob silence of the lambs spell
Mob stone shard spell
Mob throwing stones spell
1.00% Mana elixir
3.00% Critical healing potion
0.25% Mithril long sword
2.00% Rough malachite
0.10% Rough limestone
0.40% Rough emerald
0.50% Runed halberd
65Great wolf1.68K3275.78K116-116Air: 63
Dark: 42
Earth: 63
Fire: 63
Light: 5000
Water: 63
78-176Mob rabies spell
Mob disease spell
0.10% Rough limestone
2.00% Rough malachite
0.05% Finely cut limestone
0.20% Finely cut emerald
1.00% Finely cut malachite
0.40% Rough emerald
65Kraanian plague1.68K3275.78K116-116Air: 42
Dark: 63
Earth: 84
Fire: 63
Light: 5000
Water: 63
65Necrospider1.68K3275.78K116-116Air: 84
Dark: 63
Earth: 42
Fire: 63
Light: 5000
Water: 63
78-176Mob drain life spell
Mob desolidification spell
Mob poison spell
Mob terror spell
3.00% Spider venom
2.00% Rough amethyst
0.40% Rough sapphire
0.10% Rough aquamarine
65Wraith bat1.68K3275.78K116-116Air: 50
Dark: 5025
Earth: 101
Fire: 50
Light: 63
Water: 101
78-176Mob drain life spell
Mob disease spell
Mob armor weakness spell
0.10% Rough garnet
0.40% Rough ruby
2.00% Rough carnelian
67Kraanian stomper1.76K3376.17K120-120Air: 62
Dark: 62
Earth: 62
Fire: 62
Light: 5000
Water: 62
81-183-10.00% Yellow crystal shard
68Carrion crawler1.8K3476.37K122-122Air: 99
Dark: 99
Earth: 99
Fire: 99
Light: 5000
Water: 99
82-187Mob drain life spell
Mob shadow whispers spell
Mob lightning bolt spell
Mob petrification spell
1.00% Mana prism
0.10% Rough garnet
0.40% Rough ruby
2.00% Rough carnelian
68Kraanian reaper1.8K3476.37K122-122Air: 82
Dark: 62
Earth: 41
Fire: 62
Light: 5000
Water: 62
70Deathstalker1.88K3576.78K125-125Air: 72
Dark: 97
Earth: 72
Fire: 72
Light: 5000
Water: 72
85-194Mob unholy blessing spell
Mob firefang spell
Mob fire shield spell
Mob complete dispel spell
Mob aggravation spell
5.00% Polished bone key
0.25% Adamantite blade
0.50% Collector book
2.00% Rough amethyst
0.40% Rough sapphire
0.10% Rough aquamarine
1.00% Cord of treachery
1.00% Flask of crystal water
0.50% Flask of crystal water
70Skeletal centaur1.88K3576.78K125-125Air: 61
Dark: 5025
Earth: 61
Fire: 61
Light: 61
Water: 61
85-194Mob drain life spell
Mob mind rot spell
Mob shadow whispers spell
Mob fire bolt spell
2.00% Rough malachite
0.10% Rough limestone
0.40% Rough emerald
70Widow hatchling1.88K3576.78K125-125Air: 97
Dark: 72
Earth: 48
Fire: 72
Light: 5000
Water: 72
85-194Mob poison spell
Mob power up spell
1.00% Spider venom
2.00% Rough amethyst
0.40% Rough sapphire
0.10% Rough moonstone
0.50% Flask of liquid spider silk
72Draconis magus1.96K3677.2K129-129Air: 80
Dark: 80
Earth: 80
Fire: 80
Light: 5000
Water: 80
88-201Mob fireball spell
Mob entangle spell
Mob ice shard spell
Mob lightning bolt spell
75Dark warlord2.09K3787.86K134-134Air: 93
Dark: 93
Earth: 93
Fire: 93
Light: 5000
Water: 93
93-211Mob hell chains spell
Mob armor melt spell
Mob evil fire spell
Mob drain life spell
Mob mana leak spell
3.00% Twisted key
1.00% Mana prism
0.50% High metal hand axe
0.10% Rough garnet
0.40% Rough ruby
2.00% Rough carnelian
7.00% Gem of the Immortal
75Mysticist3.01K3045.95K134-134Air: 58
Dark: 78
Earth: 58
Fire: 58
Light: 5000
Water: 58
30-90Mob fatigue spell
Mob stone shard spell
0.80% Escape scroll
0.40% Drachenshield
2.00% Cloak of the Skull
1.00% Manastone
1.00% Scroll of detect hidden
1.00% Scroll of detect invisible
1.00% Scroll of earthen strength
3.00% Scroll of orientation middle
75Skeleton warder2.09K3787.86K134-134Air: 58
Dark: 5025
Earth: 58
Fire: 39
Light: 39
Water: 78
93-211-2.00% Warders cloak
75Woodstalker2.09K3787.86K134-134Air: 58
Dark: 39
Earth: 58
Fire: 58
Light: 5000
Water: 58
93-211-0.30% Drachenplate
5.00% Scroll of orientation center
1.00% Hickory compound bow
2.00% Bone tipped arrow
80Fenris wolf2.3K4089.41K143-143Air: 56
Dark: 37
Earth: 56
Fire: 56
Light: 5000
Water: 56
108-245Mob drain life spell
Mob stone shard spell
Mob evil fire spell
Mob rabies spell
Mob terror spell
2.00% Rough agate
0.40% Rough diamond
0.10% Rough moonstone
1.00% Finely cut agate
0.20% Finely cut diamond
0.05% Finely cut moonstone
2.00% Prismatic armband
80Gangrene carrier2.3K4089.41K143-143Air: 67
Dark: 5025
Earth: 67
Fire: 45
Light: 56
Water: 90
108-245Mob rotting fingers spell
Mob piercing worms spell
Mob disease spell
Mob drain life spell
Mob freeze spell
Mob gangrene spell
2.00% Rough agate
0.40% Rough diamond
0.10% Rough moonstone
0.50% Garb of the dead
80Nemesis2.3K4089.41K143-143Air: 67
Dark: 67
Earth: 67
Fire: 90
Light: 5000
Water: 45
108-245Mob terror spell
Mob power up spell
Mob poison arrow spell
Mob lethal sting spell
Mob poison spell
0.10% Rough moonstone
0.40% Rough diamond
2.00% Rough agate
82Foul fiend2.39K4189.88K147-147Air: 66
Dark: 66
Earth: 66
Fire: 88
Light: 5000
Water: 44
110-251Mob petrification spell
Mob disease spell
Mob freeze spell
Mob ice shard spell
1.00% Mana elixir
2.00% Rough carnelian
0.40% Rough ruby
0.10% Rough garnet
83Putrid beast2.44K41810.13K149-149Air: 43
Dark: 65
Earth: 87
Fire: 65
Light: 5000
Water: 65
112-254Mob stench spell
Mob rotting fingers spell
Mob mind rot spell
Mob drain life spell
Mob lightning bolt spell
1.00% Manastone
2.00% Rough malachite
0.10% Rough limestone
0.40% Rough emerald
85Fiend of the pale2.53K42810.63K152-152Air: 86
Dark: 86
Earth: 86
Fire: 86
Light: 5000
Water: 86
115-260Mob aggravation spell
Mob armor weakness spell
Mob evil fire spell
Mob firefang spell
Mob petrification spell
Mob shadow whispers spell
5.00% Key of the Banished
1.00% Mana elixir
0.25% High metal hand axe 1
0.10% Rough limestone
2.00% Rough malachite
0.40% Rough emerald
85Toll Troll2.53K42810.63K152-152Air: 64
Dark: 64
Earth: 64
Fire: 64
Light: 5000
Water: 64
115-260Mob petrification spell
Mob stone shard spell
2.00% Rough amethyst
0.40% Rough sapphire
0.10% Rough aquamarine
0.25% Gothic shield
0.25% High metal bastard sword
90Mortal wombat2.3K4089.41K143-143Air: 90
Dark: 67
Earth: 45
Fire: 67
Light: 5000
Water: 67
108-245Mob true invisibility spell
Mob drain life spell
Mob firefang spell
Mob fire bolt spell
5.00% Polished bone key
0.10% Rough garnet
0.40% Rough ruby
2.00% Rough carnelian
1.00% Finely cut carnelian
0.20% Finely cut ruby
0.05% Finely cut garnet
0.50% Oak compound bow
90Obsidian assassin2.76K45911.95K161-161Air: 61
Dark: 41
Earth: 61
Fire: 61
Light: 5000
Water: 61
121-276Mob armor weakness spell
Mob poison spell
Mob shadow whispers spell
Mob manabane spell
Mob freeze spell
3.00% Key of the Lost Soul
1.00% Manastone
0.50% Mithril chainmail armor
1.00% Mithril chainmail boots
1.00% Mithril chainmail gauntlets
1.00% Mithril chainmail girdle
1.00% Mithril chainmail helmet
1.00% Mithril chainmail leggings
0.50% Collector book
0.10% Rough garnet
0.40% Rough ruby
2.00% Rough carnelian
2.00% Translucent wristband
100Bthastan3.26K50914.83K179-179Air: 47
Dark: 62
Earth: 62
Fire: 62
Light: 5000
Water: 47
110-281Mob fireball spell
Mob fire bolt spell
Mob fire shield spell
Mob mana leak spell
100Forest Guardian3.26K50000-0Air: 62
Dark: 62
Earth: 62
Fire: 62
Light: 5000
Water: 62
135-306Mob poison arrow spell
Mob lightning bolt spell
Mob lightning bolt spell
15.00% Light healing potion
100Shadow demon3.26K50914.83K179-179Air: 75
Dark: 75
Earth: 75
Fire: 75
Light: 5000
Water: 75
135-306Mob armor weakness spell
Mob aggravation spell
Mob evil fire spell
Mob evil pentagram spell
Mob hell chains spell
1.00% Mana prism
2.00% Rough amethyst
0.40% Rough sapphire
0.10% Rough aquamarine
100Time elemental100K100000-0Air: 100
Dark: 100
Earth: 100
Fire: 100
Light: 5000
Water: 100
151-250Mob ice shard spell
Mob Makrsh Ptangh teleport spell
120Bthonian4.37K601021.71K215-215Air: 47
Dark: 63
Earth: 63
Fire: 63
Light: 5000
Water: 47
132-338Mob fireball spell
Mob fire shield spell
Mob mana leak spell
15.00% Shiny silver key
120Time elemental4.37K601021.71K215-215Air: 47
Dark: 63
Earth: 63
Fire: 63
Light: 5000
Water: 47
127-333Mob entangle spell
Mob AI spell blaze of glory
Mob drain life spell
Mob mana leak spell
125Bthurkhan4.68K621023.67K224-224Air: 47
Dark: 63
Earth: 63
Fire: 63
Light: 5000
Water: 47
124-338Mob fireball spell
Mob fire shield spell
Mob mana leak spell
15.00% Solid gold key
125Ethereal guardian4.68K621023.67K224-224Air: 31
Dark: 47
Earth: 63
Fire: 63
Light: 5000
Water: 31
129-343Mob fire bolt spell
Mob oracle guardian teleport spell 1a
Mob oracle guardian teleport spell 2a
Mob oracle guardian teleport spell 3a
Mob oracle guardian teleport spell 4a
Mob mana leak spell
125Ethereal guardian4.68K621023.67K224-224Air: 31
Dark: 47
Earth: 63
Fire: 63
Light: 5000
Water: 31
129-343Mob fire bolt spell
Mob oracle guardian teleport spell 1b
Mob oracle guardian teleport spell 2b
Mob oracle guardian teleport spell 3b
Mob oracle guardian teleport spell 4b
Mob mana leak spell
130Oracle gatekeeper498.8K99999000-0Air: 47
Dark: 63
Earth: 63
Fire: 63
Light: 5000
Water: 47
140Time guardian5.64K701130.12K251-251Air: 47
Dark: 63
Earth: 63
Fire: 63
Light: 5000
Water: 47
140An undead sentinel5.64K701130.12K251-251Air: 47
Dark: 5025
Earth: 47
Fire: 31
Light: 47
Water: 63
189-429Mob freeze spell-
150Time protector6.33K751134.95K269-269Air: 63
Dark: 63
Earth: 63
Fire: 63
Light: 5000
Water: 63
153-410Mob lightning bolt spell
Mob lightning bolt spell
5.00% Bracer of leaves
150An undead guardian6.33K751134.96K269-269Air: 47
Dark: 5025
Earth: 47
Fire: 31
Light: 47
Water: 63
203-460Mob freeze spell-


LevelNameHPACHit XPDeath XPGoldResistsMelee DamageSpellsDrops
80Bane Blackblood4602408.1818818286-880Air: 56
Dark: 75
Earth: 56
Fire: 56
Light: 5000
Water: 56
108-245Drain Life
Heal Serious
Poison Arrow
Lightning Bolt
Ice Shard
Fire Bolt
Stone Shard
1.0% Onyx Ring
2.0% Manastone
0.5% Potion of Fury
1.0% Red Cape
0.5% Polished Hand Axe
0.4% Wristband of Ogre Strength
0.8% Necklace of the Black Heart
90Lord Stonecrest2761458.6511947.78161-495Air: 102
Dark: 5025
Earth: 102
Fire: 68
Light: 34
Water: 136
121-276Mob Freeze
Mob Terror
Mob Chilling Touch
Mob Drain Life
1% Hero's Amulet
5% Gleaming Bluestone Chestplate
8% Gleaming Bluestone Gauntlets
8% Gleaming Bluestone Headgear
7% Gleaming Bluestone Legplates
9% Gleaming Bluestone Protector
8% Gleaming Bluestone Sabatons
150Harvester of Life1270075000Air: 200
Dark: 200
Earth: 200
Fire: 200
Light: 5000
Water: 200
203-460Mob Boulders
Mob Meteor
Mob Glacier
Major Regen
150Gluriurl2540075050K0Air: 115
Dark: 150
Earth: 150
Fire: 133
Light: 5000
Water: 124
203-460Mob Boulders
Mob Meteor
Mob Glacier
Major Regen
200Makrsh P'Tangh5250010060200K400-1500Air: 188
Dark: 5025
Earth: 188
Fire: 124
Light: 124
Water: 252
310-653Mob Boulders
Mob Meteor
Mob Glacier
Major Regen
4% Black Locust Composite Bow +3
4% Ancient Two-Handed Sword +3
4% Ancient Broad Axe +3
4% Ancient Morningstar +3
4% Shield of the Ages
4% Ancient Platemail Armor
4% Ancient Plate Protector
4% Ancient Platemail Helmet
4% Ancient Platemail Leggings
4% Ancient Platemail Boots